Procedure descriptions
- Abendgymnasium - Apply for admission
- Academic degrees, titles and designations for recognised ethnic German immigrants - apply for degree conversions
- Academic degrees, titles and professional titles from foreign educational institutions
- Academic health professions - applying for recognition of continuing education
- Accident insurance - register day care
- Accident insurance - Register your company
- Activities with pathogens - apply for a permit
- Activities with pathogens - Display changes
- Activities with pathogens - indicate commencement of activity
- Address book - block entry
- Admission to higher education for gifted persons with no entrance qualification - applying for admittance to examination
- Admission to the bar as a practising lawyer
- Admissions committee - applying for admission as a panel doctor
- Adoption - apply to become an adoptive parent
- Adoption - Request access to files
- Adoption of a foreign child - applying for notarisation in the register of births
- Adoption of a foreign child - requesting the conversion of a weak adoption into a strong adoption
- Adoption of a German child - notarisation ex officio
- Alternative school - apply for authorisation to operate
- Alternative school - apply for state recognition
- Amusement arcade - apply for operating licence
- Anzeige des Betrieb von Anlagen zur Anwendung nichtionisierender Strahlung am Menschen zu kosmetischen oder sonstigen nichtmedizinischen Zwecken
- Application for access to higher education for professionally qualified people
- Application for Admission of foreign Applicants (non EU)
- Apply for a Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM
- Apply for a certificate for the acquisition of radiological protection expertise
- Apply for a certificate of presentation, apply for a transport licence
- Apply for a change of address on the eID card
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a citizenship card
- Apply for a classic car licence plate
- Apply for a clearance certificate in accordance with the 1st Explosives Ordinance
- Apply for a copy or printout of the land register
- Apply for a death certificate
- Apply for a disabled person's pass
- Apply for a driving licence
- Apply for a driving licence to carry passengers
- Apply for a driving school licence
- Apply for a European order for payment (European order for payment)
- Apply for a fishing licence
- Apply for a grant for a rural doctor
- Apply for a Heilpraktiker licence
- Apply for a housing entitlement certificate
- Apply for a housing subsidy
- Apply for a licence for auctions
- Apply for a licence for the non-commercial purchase and handling of explosive substances
- Apply for a licence for waste management activities in accordance with the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act
- Apply for a licence to handle and transport explosive substances commercially
- Apply for a licence to practise medicine
- Apply for a moped test certificate
- Apply for a name change in accordance with the Name Change Act
- Apply for a national visa
- Apply for a passport replacement for foreigners (emergency travel document)
- Apply for a passport replacement for foreigners from non-EU countries (travel document for foreigners)
- Apply for a pension due to partial reduction in earning capacity in the event of occupational disability
- Apply for a permit for oversized and heavy goods transport
- Apply for a permit to purchase and handle explosive substances on a commercial basis
- Apply for a polling card
- Apply for a private pilot licence
- Apply for a reduced earning capacity pension
- Apply for a registration certificate
- Apply for a residence permit for employment
- Apply for a residence permit for qualified tolerated persons for the purpose of employment
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of self-employment
- Apply for a restaurant licence
- Apply for a settlement permit for highly qualified persons
- Apply for a settlement permit for skilled workers
- Apply for a small firearms licence
- Apply for a special authorisation for slaughter without anaesthesia ("slaughtering")
- Apply for a standard old-age pension
- Apply for a state family pass
- Apply for a student visa
- Apply for a subsidy for multiple births
- Apply for a tree felling licence
- Apply for a visa for au pair employees
- Apply for a waste producer number
- Apply for a WHO certificate for the export of medicinal products for human use
- Apply for admission as a late repatriate
- Apply for admission to the vocational school
- Apply for aid from the Tierseuchenkasse (Animal Diseases Fund)
- Apply for an allowance for childcare and education or training
- Apply for an education loan
- Apply for an electronic institution card (SMC-B) as an institution with employees in healthcare professions
- Apply for an electronic residence permit (eAT)
- Apply for an employee savings allowance
- Apply for an EU Pet Passport
- Apply for an honorary sponsorship from the Federal President
- Apply for an import permit for animal by-products or animals
- Apply for an international driving licence
- Apply for an old-age pension for particularly long-term insured persons ("Pension from 63")
- Apply for an old-age pension for severely disabled people
- Apply for an orphan's pension
- Apply for appointment as an expert for long-term storage in accordance with the Landfill Ordinance
- Apply for approval in individual cases/project-related type approval
- Apply for assistance for the blind
- Apply for assumption of funeral costs (social assistance)
- Apply for authorisation for demolition and renovation work in the presence of asbestos in weakly bound form
- Apply for authorisation for extrajudicial legal services
- Apply for authorisation to carry out fumigation
- Apply for authorisation to employ a pregnant or breastfeeding woman between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m
- Apply for authorisation under water law
- Apply for backfilling and excavation
- Apply for basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- Apply for benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)
- Apply for care assistance
- Apply for certification of the acquisition of knowledge in radiation protection
- Apply for child allowance as an electronic income tax deduction feature
- Apply for child benefit
- Apply for child supplement
- Apply for compensation for victims of violence
- Apply for compensation from the Tierseuchenkasse (animal disease fund)
- Apply for compensation in the event of segregation or prohibition of activity
- Apply for Corona federal bridge grant for professional sports
- Apply for cost absorption for abortion at the statutory health insurance company
- Apply for daily sickness allowance (private health insurance)
- Apply for divorce
- Apply for early repayment of the BAföG loan
- Apply for education in a foster family (full-time care)
- Apply for education in a home or other form of assisted living
- Apply for equalisation of a disability with a severe disability
- Apply for equivalence of a qualification in accordance with the Hazardous Substances Ordinance
- Apply for export of "green" waste for recovery within the EU
- Apply for funding for after-school care centres
- Apply for funding for charging infrastructure for e-taxis
- Apply for funding for electrically powered commercial vehicles
- Apply for funding for electric-powered taxis, rental cars, bundled on-demand transport or car-sharing vehicles
- Apply for funding for initial equipment of rescue centres
- Apply for funding for regional bus routes
- Apply for funding in the care innovation programme
- Apply for grants for flexible afternoon care and municipal childcare services
- Apply for gravel extraction
- Apply for health insurance for trainees, pupils and students
- Apply for help for young adults
- Apply for help with living costs
- Apply for help with upbringing in full-time care (care allowance)
- Apply for housing benefit
- Apply for income tax reduction
- Apply for individual vehicle taxation
- Apply for insurance plates for small vehicles
- Apply for integration assistance for children and young people with mental disabilities
- Apply for integration assistance for people with disabilities
- Apply for intensive one-to-one socio-educational support
- Apply for international financial aid for students
- Apply for legal aid or legal aid
- Apply for maintenance advance
- Apply for marketing authorisation
- Apply for naturalisation for foreigners entitled to naturalisation
- Apply for naturalisation for foreigners without naturalisation entitlement
- Apply for naturalisation for spouses or registered partners of a person with German citizenship
- Apply for parental allowance
- Apply for parking concessions for people with severe disabilities ("blue parking permit")
- Apply for parking concessions for special groups of severely disabled people ("orange parking permit")
- Apply for participation in social group work
- Apply for permission for full-time care
- Apply for recognition as a pharmaceutical consultant
- Apply for recognition of an asbestos expertise course
- Apply for recognition of an expert training course for biocidal products
- Apply for relief amount for single parents
- Apply for seasonal licence plates for vehicles
- Apply for sickness assistance under the Child and Youth Welfare Act
- Apply for sickness benefit for people with statutory insurance
- Apply for socio-educational family support
- Apply for the "Blue Angel" eco-label
- Apply for the construction of structural facilities (impact authorisation under nature conservation law)
- apply for the eID card as a European citizen
- Apply for the organisation of weekly markets
- Apply for transfer as a teacher online (VOBW)
- Applying for a boundary certificate for a property
- Applying for a certificate of completion to subdivide a building
- Applying for a change of tax class for married couples
- Applying for a driving instructor licence
- Applying for a green sign
- Applying for a licence to practise as a veterinarian from a third country
- Applying for a licence to run a private hospital
- Applying for a permit for care services
- Applying for a permit for the trade of broker, property developer, construction supervisor or loan broker
- Applying for a red registration number (dealer registration)
- Applying for a rental vehicle permit
- Applying for a replacement driving licence - after loss or theft
- Applying for a residence permit for au pair workers (non-EU/EEA)
- Applying for a residence permit for students from countries outside the EU/EEA
- Applying for a residence permit for Swiss nationals
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of research
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of training
- Applying for a seasonal registration
- Applying for a taxi permit
- Applying for a temporary professional permit as a vet
- Applying for a water licence - General information
- Applying for a work permit for foreign students
- Applying for admission as a European lawyer to the Bar Association
- Applying for an EU Blue Card for highly qualified employment
- Applying for an export registration number
- Applying for an ID card for the first time or after expiry
- Applying for an interchangeable number plate
- Applying for an operating licence for a public pharmacy
- Applying for approval for a law firm
- Applying for authorisation for an aviation event
- Applying for change of vehicle registration
- Applying for compensation in criminal proceedings
- Applying for deregistration / deregistration for a vehicle
- Applying for entry in the register of craftsmen
- Applying for evaluation of a foreign higher education qualification
- Applying for exemptions from the provisions of the Hazardous Substances Ordinance
- Applying for initial registration of a vehicle (new registration)
- Applying for membership of the State Chamber of Psychotherapists
- Applying for or renewing a licence to carry out fumigation with biocidal products or plant protection products
- Applying for or reserving a vanity plate
- Applying for recognition of a foreign higher education entrance qualification
- Applying for recognition of a foreign teaching diploma
- Applying for registration in the Register of Brokers
- Applying for remuneration as a professional carer or professional guardian
- Applying for re-registration of a vehicle to the same owner
- Applying for retraining due to occupational illness
- Applying for sick pay and time off work when your child is ill
- Applying for temporary vehicle registration
- Applying for the abstraction and discharge of water from surface waters
- Applying for the re-registration of a vehicle to a new owner
- Applying to a University
- Applying to an Institution of Higher Education
- Appoint company representatives for immission control
- Appoint waste management officers (waste officers)
- Appointing the foster parents as carers or guardians
- Attending the school enrolment examination
- Authorisation for wholesale trade in medicinal products Issue
- Become a poll worker
- Benefits from German Pension Insurance - Transitional allowance
- Berufliches Gymnasium (three-year advanced form) - Apply for admission
- Birth abroad - applying for entry in the German register of births
- Brexit - Proof of right of residence under the Withdrawal Agreement
- Building schools - applying for funding
- Burial - Order a funeral
- Burial at sea
- Business re-registration
- Call up flood forecast
- Carrying out a registration for the doctors', dentists' and vets' pension scheme
- Catering business - show continuation by heirs
- Catering trade - apply for a permit for up to four days
- Catering trade - Apply for a temporary permit
- Catering trade - apply for permission for more than four days
- Certificate of no impediment to marriage - apply for issue
- Certificate of VAT exemption for services provided by vocational training institutions - commercial professions, health, medical and social professions
- Chamber of Engineers - Registration in the list of consulting engineers
- Chamber of Tax Consultants - Appointment as tax consultant
- Change health insurance company
- Changing your address on the hunting license
- Childcare costs - apply for tax relief
- Church membership and church tax - Declaring leaving the church
- Civil partnership certificate - apply for further copies
- Claiming a lump sum for trainers
- Claiming a lump sum for voluntary work
- Collective waste disposal certificate Confirmation
- College - Register visit
- Commercial installation of gaming machines with winning possibilities
- Commercial register - apply for registration
- Commercial Register - Inspection
- Commercial road haulage - Apply for a licence
- Commercially organising games with prizes
- Commission an explosive ordnance disposal service
- Community school - register child for admission
- Confirm date of moving in (housing provider certificate)
- Contracted dentist - apply for admission
- Corporate income tax - submitting a declaration
- Course of study - applying for leave of absence
- Create a living will
- Cross-border commuter permit for employment in Switzerland - application
- Cross-border distance selling of tobacco products to consumers - register as a foreigner
- Cross-border distance selling of tobacco products to consumers - register as a resident
- Debtors' register - inspection
- Declare goods to customs when importing via the Internet
- Declare paternity and have it notarised
- Deregister business
- Deregister residence
- Deregistering the dog license fee
- Determine married name
- Determine property tax
- Directory of foundations - Insight
- Display - Report noise nuisance
- Display fraud offence
- Display fumigation activities with biocidal products or plant protection products
- Display handling of airbag or belt tensioner units
- Display hate and incitement on the net
- Display inclusion of activities involving biological agents
- Display proof of disposal for privileged procedure
- Dispose of bulky waste
- Dispose of household waste
- Disposing of domestic green waste
- Disposing of electronic waste
- Disposing of hazardous substances from private households
- Disposing of organic waste
- Disposing of recyclable materials
- Disposing of waste and rubbish
- Doctor, dentist, pharmacist, psychological psychotherapist, child and youth psychotherapist with foreign professional training - apply for approval
- Draw up a help plan
- Drinking water - report contamination
- Drinking water testing centres - Apply for approval
- Driving licence (foreign) - apply for exchange
- Driving licence (temporary) - apply for extension
- Driving licence - apply for an EU driving licence
- Driving licence - apply for an extension
- Driving licence - applying for accompanied driving from the age of 17
- Driving licence - exchange when changing name
- Driving licence - reapply after revocation
- E-bikes - apply for funding
- Education package - apply for benefits for education and participation
- Educational assistance - applying for support from care assistants
- Electoral roll (local elections) - apply for registration when moving house
- Electoral roll (mayoral election) - apply for registration as a returnee
- EMAS - Apply for registration and admission
- Emission and immission investigations - applying for recognition and notification as an expert body under the Federal Immission Control Act
- Encourage state honouring of lifesavers
- Energy supply - apply for grid operation approval (country)
- Entry in the Register of Crafts - applying for authorisation to practise an additional craft in accordance with § 7a HWO
- Environmental and nature conservation organisations - apply for recognition
- Establish a temporary no stopping zone
- European lawyer - apply for admission to the qualifying examination
- Evaluate school performance
- Events on public roads - apply for a permit and traffic order
- Exemption from the obligation to provide evidence and maintain registers
- Ex-matriculation - end of studies
- Experts according to BauSVO - Apply for recognition
- Export of waste within the EU - apply for notification
- Extend pilot licences
- Extending a disabled person's pass
- Extending a driving licence for the carriage of passengers
- Extending a residence permit issued for training purposes
- Extending residence permits for students from countries outside the EU/EEA
- Extending your passenger transport licence
- Feed monitoring - Communicate own control results on dioxins and PCBs
- Feed monitoring - reporting unsafe feed
- File a criminal complaint against others
- File a patient complaint (medical association, dental association)
- Filing a secondary action
- Financial investment brokers - applying for a permit
- Find a pharmacy emergency service
- Food control - register as a food business
- Food monitoring - Communicate self-monitoring results on dioxins and PCBs
- Food monitoring - report unsafe food
- Food safety - Submit a consumer complaint
- Foreign certificates - apply for recognition
- Foundation - Have amendment to articles of association approved
- Foundation - to be recognised as having legal capacity
- Full-time care - placing a foster child
- Further training colleges for nursing professions - applying for state recognition
- Games with the possibility of winning (standing trade) - Apply for a clearance certificate at the Federal Criminal Police Office
- General education schools - register for evening classes
- Guarding trade - apply for a permit
- Hand in or enquire about lost property
- Have an expired driving licence reissued
- Have an occupational disease diagnosed
- Have professional qualifications in the healthcare sector acquired abroad recognised
- Having foreign job qualifications recognised for HWK (Chamber of Crafts and Trades) professions
- Having foreign job qualifications recognised for IHK professions
- Hazardous waste - Carry out electronic proof of disposal procedure
- Health insurance for freelancers
- Health requirements for staff when handling food
- High-pressure gas pipelines - Apply for recognition as an expert
- Home work - six-monthly list notification
- Housing promotion - applying for promotion of owner-occupied housing
- Housing promotion - applying for promotion of rental housing for households with special housing difficulties
- Housing promotion - applying for promotion of the acquisition of cooperative shares
- Housing security - apply for social assistance
- Hunter examination - Apply for authorisation
- Hunting licence - apply for renewal
- Hunting licence application
- Identity card - Change address
- Illness or pregnancy - apply for budgetary support
- Image carriers - Apply for age labelling and release for age groups
- Immission control - apply for early construction of a plant requiring authorisation in accordance with BImSchG
- Immission control - Apply for partial authorisation for the construction and operation of a plant in accordance with BImSchG
- Immission control - Applying for a permit for a significant change to a plant requiring authorisation in accordance with the BImSchG
- Immission control - applying for a preliminary decision on a plant requiring authorisation in accordance with the BImSchG
- Immission control - applying for authorisation in a simplified procedure for a plant in accordance with the BImSchG
- Immission control - applying for the construction and operation of a plant requiring authorisation in accordance with the BImSchG
- Immission control - Display cessation of operation of an installation requiring authorisation in accordance with BImSchG
- Immission control - Display change of operator of a combustion plant according to 44. BImSchV
- Immission control - Display changes to an installation requiring authorisation in accordance with BImSchG
- Immission control - Display commissioning, modification, decommissioning or change of operator for evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers and wet separators in accordance with 42. BImSchV
- Immission control - Display emission-relevant modification of a combustion plant according to 44. BImSchV
- Immission control - Display operation of an existing combustion plant in accordance with 44. BImSchV
- Immission control - Display operation or commissioning of a combustion plant according to 44. BImSchV
- Immission control - final decommissioning of a combustion plant in accordance with the 44th BImSchV
- Immission control - Notification if the action values are exceeded or if the operation of evaporation, cooling systems and wet cutters is disrupted
- Immission control - Submit emissions declaration according to 11. BlmSchV
- Import and export of protected plant and animal species Permit
- Import of medicinal products - apply for a licence
- Income tax
- Income tax - submitting a declaration
- Incorrect measurements or underfilled prepackages - lodge a complaint
- Information from the civil register - group information to parties or groups of voters
- Inspection body in waste management - Apply for recognition
- Insurance ombudsman - lodge a complaint against insurance companies
- Integration courses for foreigners - applying for participation
- Integration courses for late repatriates - registering
- Interpreter and translator database - Apply for admission for temporary work (interpreters, translators from other EU/EEA countries)
- Interpreters, translators residing or established in other countries - Applying for a general oath
- Interpreters, translators with place of residence or business in Baden-Württemberg
- Issue a school report
- Issue accompanying documents for wine shipments
- Issue SEPA direct debit mandate
- Itinerant Trade License
- Karlsruhe virtual catalogue - searching for literature
- Keeping a fighting dog - apply for a licence
- Keeping a fighting dog - requesting a behavioural test
- Land Register - Inspect
- Landesapothekerkammer - Register for membership
- Landesbibliothek - Apply for a user card
- Landesstiftung Opferschutz - Apply for grants
- Landeszahnärztekammer - Register membership
- Landeszentrale für politische Bildung - Order offers from the webshop
- Lawyer; Recognise foreign professional qualification
- Legal support - applying for reimbursement of expenses
- License for financial services providers according to the German Banking Act
- License for Insurance Brokers and Insurance Consultants
- License for pawnbrokers
- License to manufacture or trade in weapons
- List of crafts and crafts-like trades that are exempt from registration - arrange for registration
- Locking period - apply for reduction or cancellation
- Lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority
- Lodge a supervisory complaint
- Lodge an objection against an enforcement order
- Loss of the Vehicle Registration Certificate
- Maintenance for adult children - apply in court
- Make use of educational counselling
- Making Technical Modifications to the Vehicle
- Manufacture of medicinal products - apply for a licence
- Markscheider - apply for recognition
- Markscheider - apply for recognition as "other person"
- Marriage certificate - apply for issue
- Marriage leads to a change in tax class
- Maternity pay
- Medical register - Apply for registration
- Melderegister - Request online information
- Modernisation of bridge structures - apply for funding
- Motor vehicle registration number Allocation of electrically powered vehicles
- Name Change in the Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle Title
- Notification of changes in the health insurance company
- Notification of changes the institution of higher education
- Notification of the installation of a high-pressure gas pipeline
- Notify change of operator of a system for handling substances hazardous to water (AwSV system, except heating oil consumer system and JGS system)
- Notify construction, significant modification or measures involving a change in the hazard level of heating oil consumer systems in accordance with AwSV
- Notify construction, significant modification or measures involving a change in the hazard level of installations for handling substances hazardous to water (except heating oil consumer installations and JGS installations)
- Notify or apply for the operation of a medical X-ray facility or a significant change to its operation
- Notify the appointment, change of duties or dismissal of a radiation protection officer
- Notify the basic supplier
- Notify the employment agency of redundancies
- Notify the end of operation of an X-ray facility
- Offences against youth protection regulations on the Internet - lodge a complaint
- Old-age pension - applying for a pension on early retirement
- Operation of medical transport - applying for a permit
- Operational and official mobility management - apply for funding
- Order accommodation for mentally ill people
- Order natural burial
- Order products from the Baden-Württemberg State Office for Geoinformation and Rural Development
- Organising trade fairs, exhibitions and markets on a commercial basis
- Orientation Process for Future Teacher Training Students in Baden-Württemberg
- Parties and leisure activities - observe hygiene regulations
- Partnership register - registering an entry
- Passport - Apply for a change of residence
- Passport - apply for a temporary passport
- Passport - apply for replacement due to loss
- Passport - apply for the first time or after expiry
- Passport - applying for a second passport
- Passport - applying for the first time for the child
- Passport - reapplying for a passport due to name change on divorce
- Passport - reapplying for a passport due to name change on marriage
- Pay land transfer tax
- Pay motor vehicle tax
- Pension fund for architects - registering as a member
- Pension fund for engineers - registering as a member
- Pension fund for lawyers - registering as a member
- Pension fund for psychotherapists - registering as a member
- Pension fund for tax consultants - registering as a member
- Pension insurance - apply for pension information and account clarification
- Pension insurance - Request pension information
- Permanent Residence-EU - Apply for a Permit
- Permit as a bookkeeping assistant
- Pipeline systems ("pipelines") - Apply for recognition as an inspection body
- Planning permission - Apply for advertising system
- Police - applying for the police service
- Population register - request group information
- Pre-emptive right of the municipality - apply for a negative certificate
- Preventing forced marriages
- Private fireworks - apply for an exemption from the ban on setting off fireworks
- Private universities - apply for state recognition
- Product-specific insurance brokers - Applying for a permit exemption
- Professional register for auditors and auditing firms Apply for change
- Prohibition of business due to unreliability
- Promotion of energy advice for residential buildings (on-site advice; individual renovation roadmap)
- Proof of disposal Confirmation
- Property register - Notify construction of a building
- Property survey - apply for boundary determination
- Protection against animal diseases - Show animal disease
- Provide details of the person responsible for radiation protection
- Psychosocial court counselling - applying for a court order
- Real estate cadastre - apply for an extract
- Receive late repatriate certificate
- Register a trade
- Register and certify income tax
- Register employees with social security
- Register for admission to a German school abroad
- Register of Cooperatives - Apply for registration
- Register of Craftsmen - Request information
- Register of dentists - apply for registration
- Register of residents - apply for information (extended)
- Register of residents - apply for information (simple)
- Register of residents - apply for information blocking
- Register of voters (Bundestag election) - applying for registration of Germans living abroad
- Register of voters (European elections) - Apply for registration of EU citizens living in Germany
- Register of voters (European elections) - applying for registration of Germans living abroad
- Register of voters (European elections) - applying for registration of Germans living in Germany
- Register residence
- Register trainees in fruit growing and horticulture for the final examination
- Register water connection
- Register your residence as your main residence
- Registering for the Course of Study - Enrolment
- Registering the dog license fee
- Registering with the List of Architects (Architektenliste)
- Registration in the list of architects
- Registration in the Register of Crafts - applying for exemption according to § 8 HWO
- Registration in the Register of Craftsmen - Exemption for EU citizens (in accordance with § 9 Abs. 1 HWO) - application
- Registration in the Register of Skilled Crafts - applying for authorisation to practise in accordance with § 7b HWO
- Report an accident or malfunction involving hazardous substances
- Report change of residence within the same city or municipality
- Report first-time employment of persons in home work
- Report home birth to the registry office
- Report rat
- Report the name of the child to the registry office after birth
- Reporting loss or theft of numberplates
- Reporting the sale of a vehicle
- Request a change of school district
- Request a file card copy
- Request a new determination of a disability
- Request a school-leaving examination
- Request an enforcement order
- Request assistance from the youth welfare office
- Request authorization certificate for online ID function
- Request birth certificate
- Request cremation
- Request determination of a replacement dose
- Request education in a day group
- Request exemption from the Law on Sundays and Public Holidays
- Request image files for labelling tobacco packages or cigarette packets with text-image warnings
- Request information from the soil protection and contaminated site register
- Request issuance of a mortuary passport
- Request judgement
- Request notarisation of public documents for abroad
- Request printout from the commercial register
- Request rental of weights
- Request temporary reception of children and young people in a safe place
- Requesting access to files in and outside of administrative proceedings
- Requesting an excerpt from the Central Trade Register
- Requesting information from the Central Driver's License Register
- Requesting the excavation of a road for pipe laying
- Requesting the participation of children at events
- Research facility - Recognition by the BAMF
- Residence - Notify change of main residence
- Residence permit for third-country nationals - Apply for a Mobiler-ICT card
- Residence permit for workers from third countries - Apply for ICT card
- Residence requirement - apply for cancellation
- Retrieve electronic wage tax deduction features
- Reunification for family reasons (additional family members) - Apply for a residence permit
- Reunification for family reasons (with foreigners) - Apply for a residence permit
- Reunification for family reasons (with Germans) - Apply for a residence permit
- Roadworks on public roads - apply for a traffic order
- Schengen visa - application
- School report - apply for replacement in case of loss
- Service driving licence - apply for civilian transfer
- Settlement permit
- Show blasts
- Show construction, significant modification or decommissioning of a slurry, liquid manure and silage slurry plant (JGS plant)
- Show construction of a game enclosure
- Show cross-border provision of services by craftsmen from other EU/EEA states
- Show damage to property
- Show death
- Show information officers for pharmaceutical companies
- Show keeping of specially protected species
- Show non-profit and commercial waste collections
- Show property offence
- Show qualified person according to § 14 German Medicines Act
- Show retail sale of over-the-counter medicines
- Show the start of the waste management activity
- Social insurance - having compulsory insurance determined (status determination)
- Special educational provision - applying for determination of entitlement
- Special use of roads outside the locality - applying for permission
- Special use of roads within the locality - applying for permission
- Special uses on public roads - applying for a permit and traffic order
- STÄRKE state programme - information for parents
- State professional body of doctors - registration of membership
- State Professional Body of Vets - registration of membership
- Statutory health insurance - apply for exemption from co-payment
- Straußwirtschaft - Show operation
- Submit a complaint against providers of Internet and telephone connections
- Submit a complaint due to offensive advertising
- Submit a declaration of fulfilment for compliance with the requirements of the Building Energy Act during the construction of buildings
- Submit a residents' petition
- Submit an enquiry to the State Office for Building Technology
- Submit application for the Baden-Württemberg rural doctor quota
- Submit collective waste approval in the privileged procedure
- Submit e-bill to the Central Invoice Receipt of the country
- Supplementary schools in the area of cultural administration - applying for state recognition and acceptance of examinations
- Take advantage of early detection examinations for children and adolescents
- Take advantage of early support for preschool children
- Taking narcotics on trips abroad - applying for a certificate
- Taking orientation test for future students in Baden-Württemberg
- Technischer Assistent in der Medizin mit ausländischer Berufsausbildung – Erlaubnis zur Führung der Berufsbezeichnung beantragen
- Test engineer for building engineering - Recognition
- Tierseuchenkasse Baden-Württemberg - register farm animals
- Trade register - apply for information
- Trade tax - submitting a declaration
- Trades requiring inspection
- Training preparation dual and training preparationg (AVdual/AV) - Register for participation
- Travel - entering the country with pets
- Turnover tax - submit annual return or advance return
- Undergo a cancer screening examination
- Unwanted telephone calls - submit a complaint
- Use flood hazard maps
- Use of a body of water - applying for authorisation to extract, extract, extract, extract and discharge groundwater
- Use the single point of contact of the Chamber of Architects
- Using a common point of contact of the chamber of engineers
- Using a common point of contact of the chamber of handicrafts
- Using a common point of contact of the chamber of industry and commerce
- Using a common point of contact of the chamber of lawyers
- Using a common point of contact of the chamber of tax advisors
- Using a common point of contact of the regional chamber of vets
- Vehicle registration plates or stickers - replacement in case of illegibility or damage
- Victim support - instruct a victim advocate
- Viewing the legal services register (Rechtsdienstleistungsregister)
- Voluntary Ecological Year (FÖJ) - apply now
- Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) - apply now
- Voters' register (Bundestag election) - applying for registration of Germans living in Germany
- Wastewater disposal - apply for or display decentralised disposal of rainwater
- Water abstraction charge - submitting a declaration for determination
- Water protection - appointing a representative
- Withholding tax - apply for a non-assessment certificate
- Witness lawyer - Obtaining a subpoena
- Women's shelters - apply for funding