Request determination of a replacement dose
Is it not possible to determine the body dose in accordance with the Radiation Protection Ordinance due to an omitted or incorrect measurement? Then you must apply for a replacement dose to be determined by the competent authority for radiation protection.
If the Radiation Protection Ordinance prescribes this for your facility, you as the person responsible for radiation protection must ensure that the body dose of the persons to be monitored is determined. This is not possible if the measurement is omitted or incorrect. There may be various reasons for the omitted or incorrect measurement. For example, the dosimeter was not returned within the period specified by the measuring centre or the dosimeter cannot be evaluated. In any case, you must apply to the competent authority for radiation protection for a replacement dose.
Responsible department
The regional council in whose district your facility (hospital, practice, company) is located.
- This concerns an omitted or incorrect measurement to determine the body dose.
- The application must be submitted by the person responsible for radiation protection, the authorised representative or the radiation protection officer.
You can submit the notification electronically or in writing.
as soon as possible
Required documents
- Dose values for the months used to estimate the dose
- Comparative values of additional persons for the month for which a replacement dose is requested
- Documentation of the local dose rate measurement and a description of the exposure conditions
depending on the individual case between EUR 150 and EUR 1,000
On the joint homepage of the regional councils you will find the document for the written notification.
Legal basis
Strahlenschutzverordnung (StrlSchV):
- § 65 Vorgehen bei der Ermittlung der Körperdosis
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 30.10.2024