Apply for a permit for oversized and heavy goods transport
You need a permit or exemption authorisation for
- the carriage of oversized and heavy loads and
- the transport of loads with excessive dimensions.
Please note: The transport of oversized and heavy loads requires careful planning, especially if the dimensions and weight are exceeded. Depending on the vehicle type, the Anrequirements can be very different. Discuss these with the responsible road traffic authority.
Responsible department
the locally competent road traffic authority,
- in whose area of responsibility the transport requiring a licence begins or
- in whose district the company carrying out the transport has its registered office or a branch office for which there is an obligation to be entered in the commercial, cooperative or partnership register.
You can obtain a licence if, among other things
- transport by rail or water is not an option for the requested transport,
- suitable roads are available and
- You are transporting an indivisible load. Special provisions apply if there are several parts.
You must apply for the licence.
Applications are submitted and processed via the standardised national procedure for large and heavy goods transport(VEMAGS).
If you fulfil the requirements, the competent authority will issue the permit or exemption.
Required documents
Depending on the application, further documents may be required. You can find out more from the relevant road traffic authority.
depending on the cost, scope and duration of the licence
Processing time
as a rule: two weeks
Legal basis
Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung (StVO):
- § 29 Absatz 3 Übermäßige Straßenbenutzung
- § 46 Ausnahmegenehmigung und Erlaubnis
Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung (StVZO):
- § 32 Abmessungen von Fahrzeugen und Fahrzeugkombinationen
- § 34 Achslast und Gesamtgewicht
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg, 12.09.2024