Experts according to BauSVO - Apply for recognition
Technical installations and equipment in garages, sales outlets and places of assembly must be inspected by a recognised building expert.
Technical installations and equipment include, for example
- Smoke extraction systems
- Ventilation systems
- Safety power supply systems
- Fire extinguishing systems
- Fire detection and alarm systems
If you would like to work as a building expert or building surveyor, you must submit an application for recognition in good time before starting work.
Responsible department
the Ministry for Regional Development and Housing Baden-Württemberg
- are authorised to use the professional title "engineer" in accordance with the Engineering Act,
- have worked as an engineer for at least five years in the specialisation in which you would like to carry out testing activities. Of these, you must have been involved in inspections for at least two years.
- have the expertise required to work as an expert in the respective specialisation and can provide evidence of this in the form of an expert opinion and
- have the personality to fulfil the tasks of an expert or surveyor and fulfil them impartially and conscientiously.
Building experts from other EU/EEA countries who are recognised in thercountry of origin are authorised to carry out this activity if they
- have a comparable authorisation with regard to their field of activity,
- fulfil requirements comparable to those of the above-mentionedofulfil the above requirements and
- have a written and spoken command of the German language.
Note: Building experts from other EU/EEA countries who do not have a comparable authorisation with regard to their activity are also eligible to applysauthorisation with regard to their field of activity can also work as experts as experts. They must be able to speak and write Germanewritten and spoken. They also require a certificate from thesbuilding authority that they fulfil the above-mentioned general requirements.
Please note: If you have already obtained a licence in another federal statespractice as an expert or authorised expert in another federal stateba further notification is required. Certificates that have already been issued remain valid.
Apply for recognition as a building expert or building surveyor informally in text form.
You will receive a confirmation of receipt from the zupermanent office. This will inform you, if applicable, which subrdocuments are still missing.
If the decision is favourable, the competent body will add you to its list.
As a building expert or building expert from another EU/EEA country, if you have an equivalent authorisation in your country of origin, you must notify your activity before you carry it out for the first time. Otherwise, you must submit an application for recognition to the competent authority. Upon application, the competent authority will confirm that the notification has been made.
Required documents
- Curriculum vitae with complete details of the professional career and professional practice up to the time of application
- Copies of the final certificate from the training centre and all certificates of previous employment
- for proof of personal reliability:
- if resident in Germany: certificate of good conduct
- if resident abroad: documents from the applicant's home country proving that they are personally reliable enough to perform the desired service.
- For nationals from EU/EEA countries additionally:
- Certificate of legal establishment as an expert for the inspection of technical systems and equipment in the home country (at the time of submission, the activity must not be prohibited) and
- Proof of fulfilment of the general requirements
EUR 150.00 - EUR 1,500
Processing time
The competent body will decide on your application within three months of submission of the complete documentation.
Recognition is valid throughout Germany.
It expires without notice if you
- renounce it in writing to the competent authority,
- are 70 years old,
- can no longer hold public office (e.g. due to a conviction for a felony or an intentional offence resulting in a prison sentence of more than one year)
- are restricted by court order from disposing of your assets.
You must inform the competent authority immediately of any reasons that could lead to the cancellation of your recognition.
The competent authority will revoke your recognition if you have repeatedly and grossly violated your duties as an expert.
It may revoke your recognition if you have not exercised your activity for two years or have only exercised it to a limited extent.
Legal basis
Verordnung des Ministeriums für Landesentwicklung und Wohnen über anerkannte Sachverständige für die Prüfung technischer Anlagen und Einrichtungen nach Bauordnungsrecht (Bausachverständigenverordnung - BauSVO)
Gebührenverzeichnis zur GebVO (Leistungsbereichsbezogene Gebührentatbestände):
- Nr. 13.7 Anerkennung als Sachverständiger nach § 2 der Bausachverständigenverordnung
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Ministerium für Landesentwicklung und Wohnen Baden-Württemberg, 27.02.2025