Apply for assistance for the blind
If you are blind or equivalent to a blind person, you will receive financial support under certain conditions. This lump sum of money compensates for the additional expenses you incur due to blindness.
Amount of state aid for the blind from 01.01.2025:
- blind people of full age: EUR 410.00
- underage blind people: EUR 205.00.
There is no annual adjustment.
They receive this regardless of their income and assets.
- in the case of low income and assets (federal assistance for the blind) additionally
- blind people of full age: EUR 470.28
- blind minors: EUR 235.90.
The assistance for the blind is adjusted annually in line with the increase in the current pension value in the statutory pension insurance scheme.
Note: If you receive home care benefits or full inpatient care, the state aid for the blind or the aid for the blind according to the Social Security Code is reduced.
Responsible department
the social welfare office
Social welfare office is,
- if you live in an urban district: the municipal administration
- if you live in a rural district: the district administration
Note: Some rural districts have transferred responsibility to larger towns in their district. If you live in a rural district, the district administration office or the municipal administration of your place of residence can tell you which authority is responsible.
You are
- blind or
- have a visual acuity in the better eye of not more than 1/50, or
- have equally severe impairments of the ability to see
Additional prerequisite for receiving state aid to the blind is: The blind person must be older than one year.
You can apply for state aid for the blind and federal aid for the blind at the competent social welfare office in your place of residence.
The responsible office will examine your application. If the result is positive, you will receive a corresponding decision. It will pay out the aid to the blind to the account you specified in your application. As a rule, you will receive the money shortly after you have received the decision.
If the result is negative, you will receive a rejection letter.
Required documents
The competent authority may request documentation, for example proof of visual impairment.
Legal basis
Sozialgesetzbuch Zwölftes Buch (SGB XII):
- § 72 Blindenhilfe
Gesetz über die Landesblindenhilfe in Baden-Württemberg
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 28.11.2024