Apply for transfer as a teacher online (VOBW)
As a teacher employed for an indefinite period by the state of Baden-Württemberg, you can apply for a transfer to another school for personal reasons. The following are possible
- Transfer within Baden-Württemberg as part of the regular transfer procedure
- Transfer within the framework of the school-related job advertisement procedure
- Transfer to another state in the Federal Republic of Germany as part of the teacher exchange procedure of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder (KMK).
Please note: During the probationary period, transfers are only possible in justified exceptional cases.
As a rule, there is no entitlement to a transfer.
Responsible department
The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs
Criteria in the internal transfer procedure :
- timely submission of application
- Readiness for duty at the time of transfer
- Clearance decision by the responsible school authority
- Possibility of replacement at the previous school
- Admission possibility in the desired area.
Please note: If there are more applications than transfer opportunities, applications for family and social reasons take priority.
Criteria in the transfer procedure for school-related vacancies:
- The regional council must make a clearance decision. Only then can the school advertising the vacancy include the application in the selection process.
The exact requirements can be found in the respective job advertisement.
Criteria in the teacher exchange procedure:
- Social reasons
The primary purpose of the teacher exchange procedure is to reunite families. - Participating teachers must
- be employed full-time for an indefinite period in the state education service of a federal state as an employee or civil servant or
- be on leave from the state education service to a public school.
- Readiness for service at the time of transfer
Teachers on leave of absence can only participate if they actually take up their duties immediately after the transfer. - Release decision by the responsible service authority.
It is also possible to exchange teachers with different subjects. Personal exchange partners do not lead to a preferential transfer.
If not all applicants can be considered due to a lack of exchange partners, the selection will be based on the following criteria
- Suitability
- social situation (priority exchange for family reunification of married partners with underage children)
- Need (subject-specific, regional)
- Waiting time.
All transfer procedures are applied for online.
Note: In the transfer procedure for school-related job advertisements, you apply for positions in the job advertisement procedure. You must add these to your personal watch list.
You assign a password at the end of the data entry process. If the data transfer is successful, you will receive an application number.
The printout of the online application must be signed and submitted to the head of the respective main school. The school management will then begin processing the application within the school administration.
- Application for transfer in the internal transfer procedure:
Your application must be received by the school by the first teaching day after the Christmas holidays. - Application for transfer within the framework of the school-related job posting procedure:
- You can find the advertising periods here.
- Only in exceptional cases are applications possible within the framework of the succession procedure in July or a filling in February of a year. In such cases, please contact the responsible regional council directly
- Application for transfer in the teacher exchange procedure:
- For a summer transfer, your application must be submitted by the first teaching day after the Christmas holidays.
- For a transfer on 1 February, your application must be submitted by 1 August of the previous year.
Not all countries participate in the half-year procedure.
Required documents
The required documents must be uploaded in the respective application.
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Kultusministerium Baden-Württemberg, 23.04.2024