High-pressure gas pipelines - Apply for recognition as an expert
If you want to work as an expert or surveyor
- in the field of high-pressure gas pipelines and
- belong to an accredited inspection body or
- are certified by an accredited certification body,
you also need to be recognised by the competent body.
Experts inspect high-pressure gas pipelines and their associated facilities that serve the public supply before construction to ensure that the planned pipeline/facility meets the quality requirements of the High-Pressure Gas Pipeline Ordinanceordinance.
Furthermore, experts inspect the pipeline/facility before it is put into operation for, among other things
- Tightness,
- Strength and
- Presence of the necessary safety equipment.
A further inspection is then usually carried out within one year of commissioning.
Have you already been publicly recognised as an expert or expert for high-pressure gas pipelines in another federal state? Then this recognition also applies in Baden-Württemberg.
Please note: Certain expert opinions Statements and inspections are reserved for accredited inspection bodies. You can obtain information about this from the competent body.
Responsible department
the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining (Department 9) in the Freiburg Regional Council
Prerequisites for recognition are:
- They must have the necessary expertise, reliability (personal qualities, skills, behaviour) and independence.
- You must
- carry out their work regularly,
- undergo regular further training in line with the state of the art and
- regularly participate in an exchange of experience.
You must submit the application for recognition in writing to the competent authority. You must sign it by hand or provide it with a qualified electronic signature.
Required documents
- Certificate of successful completion of studies in a technical or scientific subject at a university, college or university of applied sciences
- for proof of personal reliability:
- If resident in Germany:
- Certificate of good conduct (not older than three months at the time of application)
- If you live abroad: Documents from your home country that prove your personal reliability.
- If resident in Germany:
- Proof of specific professional qualifications for the technical inspections to be carried out, in particular knowledge of
- the state of the art
- the technical regulations and
- the relevant legal regulations
(previous proof can be provided by a declaration from the employer)
- Proof that you carry out the activity on your own responsibility and independently of the client and third parties, e.g.
- Declaration from the employer that you are in active employment and are free from instructions from superiors or the employer in the performance of your audit activities
- Proof of access to all test equipment required to carry out the inspections
If you use third-party test equipment, you must be able to check this and the test setup for suitability and conformity with legal regulations and technical rules. - Proof of regular participation in further training and topic-related exchange of experience
The competent body may request further documents to verify personal reliability. This includes, in particular, the submission of certified documents in German or a certified German translation by a publicly appointed or sworn interpreter.
250 to 3,000 euros
Processing time
You should expect a maximum processing time of 8 weeks.
Legal basis
Verordnung über Gashochdruckleitungen (GasHDrLtgV)
- § 11 Anerkennung von Sachverständigen
- § 12 Voraussetzungen für die Anerkennung von Sachverständigen
Nr. 14.18.8 der Anlage (Gebührenverzeichnis UM) zur Gebührenverordnung UM(GebVOUM)
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 03.06.2024