Water abstraction charge - submitting a declaration for determination
If you draw water for certain purposes, for example from a lake, you have to pay for it.
The amount of the costs depends on the origin, quantity and intended use of the water.
The state uses the money for flood protection measures and the protection of wetlands, for example.
You must pay a water abstraction charge for the following uses:
- the abstraction and discharge of water from surface waters
- the abstraction, extraction, conveyance and discharge of groundwater
The prerequisite for chargeable use is
- an authorisation under water law or
- a permit under water law.
You do not have to pay a water charge, for example
- for fishing purposes,
- for the irrigation of agricultural, horticultural and forestry land
- for minor uses.
Responsible department
- for water uses in an urban district: the municipal administration
- for water uses in a district: the district office
The charge is based on the origin, quantity and intended use of the water.
Exceptions to the obligation to pay charges can be found in Section 103 of the Baden-Württemberg Water Act. Exceptions can be, for example, the use of water
- for fishing purposes
- for the irrigation of agricultural, horticultural and forestry land
- for minor uses
Since 1 January 2015, the charge levied has been earmarked for water management purposes such as flood protection measures and water ecology.
As a person liable for payment, you must for the past assessment period
- submit the declaration of remuneration without being asked to do so
- by 31 January or 31 March of the following year
- to the lower water authority responsible for you
- with all the information required to determine the charge, in particular details of the volume of water withdrawn
- submitting the required documents.
You will receive an annual notification of the fee assessment (assessment notice).
If the application is incomplete, the lower water authority can also determine the fee by means of an estimate. In the event of late submission, it may levy a late surcharge.
The lower water authority determines in a basic decision whether the requirements for a reduction for the use of water from surface waters or groundwater in accordance with Sections 105 and 106 of the Baden-Württemberg Water Act are met.
This decision contains
- the amount of the eligible share of the expenses and
- the settlement period.
- by 31 January of the following year
- if you apply for a discount: by 31 March of the following year
Required documents
- Documents to determine the amount of water withdrawn
- for subsequent applications: copy of the previous year's assessment notice
- for subsequent applications: water abstraction charge number
- for the use of water from surface waters or groundwater for public water supply: EUR 0.10 per cubic metre
- for the use of groundwater: EUR 0.051 per cubic metre
- for the use of water from surface waters: EUR 0.015 per cubic metre
Processing time
They are usually determined by the end of May at the latest.
Legal basis
Wassergesetz für Baden-Württemberg (WG)
- § 100 Entgelt für Wasserentnahmen
- § 101 Begriffsbestimmungen
- § 102 Entgeltpflichtige Benutzungen
- § 103 Ausnahmen von der Entgeltpflicht
- § 104 Bemessungsgrundlage, Entgeltsatz
- § 105 Ermäßigung bei oberirdischen Gewässern
- § 106 (Ermäßigung bei Grundwasser
- § 107 Härtefälle
- § 108 Festsetzung, Vorauszahlung, Fälligkeit
- § 109 Grundlagenbescheid
- § 110 Nachweise für Ermäßigungen
- § 111 Nachweise für Härtefälle
- § 112 Aufhebung, Änderung, Nacherhebung
- § 113 Anwendung Abgabenordnung; Landesverwaltungsverfahrensgesetz
- § 114 Berichtspflicht
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 14.08.2024