Apply for certification of the acquisition of knowledge in radiation protection
Have you successfully completed other medical training and would like to work in radiotherapy, nuclear medicine or X-ray diagnostics in human medicine? If so, you must provide proof of having acquired the necessary knowledge.
If you have successfully completed other medical training, for example as a medical assistant, and intend to work in radiotherapy for use on humans, in nuclear medicine for use on humans or in X-ray diagnostics in human medicine, you will need a certificate confirming that you have acquired the necessary knowledge of radiation protection. The person who is to be certified as having knowledge of radiation protection, or their employer, can apply for a certificate of knowledge of radiation protection from the competent authority for radiation protection. All necessary evidence must be submitted with the application.
Responsible department
The regional council in whose district the
- the workplace is located or
- the place of residence of the person who is to be certified as having knowledge of radiation protection (only in the event that this person applies independently of an employer).
The person to whom the knowledge in radiation protection is to be certified,
- has successfully completed other medical training,
- has successfully completed the recognised course to acquire the necessary knowledge of radiation protection in radiotherapy, for technical assistance in nuclear medicine or in X-ray diagnostics in human medicine and
- (only for the acquisition of knowledge in radiation protection in X-ray diagnostics in human medicine) can provide evidence of the necessary practical experience.
- If you have all the necessary evidence for acquiring the knowledge, you or your employer can apply for the certificate of acquisition of knowledge in radiation protection from the competent authority for radiation protection.
- You can apply online or in writing for the certificate of acquisition of knowledge in radiation protection. You can find the appropriate pdf document on the joint homepage of the regional councils.
- It is also possible for the competent authority to approach you and ask you to submit proof of the required knowledge.
- The authority will check the documents submitted and the requirements and, if the check is positive, will send you the certificate confirming that you have acquired the knowledge in radiation protection.
Successful participation in the course to acquire the required knowledge must not date back more than 5 years in total.
Required documents
- Proof of successful completion of other medical training
- Proof of successful participation in the recognised course to acquire the necessary knowledge in radiation protection in radiotherapy, for technical assistance in nuclear medicine or in X-ray diagnostics in human medicine
- Proof of practical experience (only for the acquisition of knowledge in radiation protection in X-ray diagnostics in human medicine)
depending on the individual case between EUR 150 and EUR 1,000
Legal basis
Strahlenschutzgesetz (StrlSchG):
- § 74 Erforderliche Fachkunde und Kenntnisse im Strahlenschutz; Verordnungsermächtigungen
Strahlenschutzverordnung (StrlSchV):
- § 49 Erforderliche Kenntnisse im Strahlenschutz bei der Anwendung am Menschen und am Tier in der Tierheilkunde
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 31.10.2024