Call up flood forecast
In the event of flooding, the Flood Forecasting Centre (HVZ) provides you with information on the flood situation on the country's rivers and on Lake Constance.
It provides you with current
- Water levels,
- Discharge data,
- Forecasts and
- Situation reports on the course of flooding.
The HVZ bundles information and makes it accessible to the
- responsible administrative bodies
- The population and
- Media.
The measurement data is updated up to every quarter of an hour, the forecasts are updated every three hours in routine operation and every hour in the event of flooding, and made available via the Internet, the "Meine Pegel" app, teletext, Rundradio and an automatic telephone announcement.
Continuous calculations using water balance models form the basis of the high, medium and low water forecasts for around 100 gauging stations on the Rhine, Neckar, Danube and Main rivers and their most important tributaries.
The transnational forecastingrforecast for Lake Constance is carried out in cooperation with the Swissifederal Office for the Environment and the Office of the Vorarlberg State Government.
In addition, the HVZ calculates flood warning maps for the warning of river sections and catchment areas.
The warnings are issued in five different levels: low, moderate, medium, high and very high flood riskrdanger.
The warning maps are updated hourly and refer to the flood risk for the next two days.
Responsible department
the Flood Forecasting Centre (HVZ) of the Baden-Württemberg State Institute for the Environment (LUBW)
You can enquire via the Internet, the "Meine Pegel" app, radio, teletext and by telephone
- about the flood forecast,
- the current water levels and
- further background information.
The Flood Forecasting Centre offers you on its websiteiextensive, up-to-date information on situation reports and warnings, precipitation, water levels and weather data.
You can call up information on the current flood situation on a transnational flood portal.
Current weather warnings can be found at the German Weather Service.
My water level" app
In addition to current water level data, the "Meine Pegel" app offers the option of being notified when water levels exceed or fall below individually configurable limits (free push notification).
SWR1 Baden-Württemberg and SWR4 Baden-Württemberg senprovide situation reports and information on the most important water levels as required after the news.
During floods, Südwest-Text broadcasts hourly updates of water levels and forecasts of selected water gauges with tendencieszindications. The HVZ uses the following panels:
800 General flood overview
805 Upper Rhine area
806 Neckar area
807 Main/Tauber area
808 Danube area
809 Situation report
Telephone announcement
Automatic telephone announcement with hourly updated waterrof selected water levels can be reached by dialling 0721/9804-61, -62, -63, -64, -65.
Required documents
The gauge information displayed in the HVZ also takes you to the interactive flood hazard maps, which are available for a large number of bodies of water in Baden-Württemberg.
The respective flood hazard map in the area of the displayed water level can be opened via a link.
Municipalities have the option of providing the HVZ with a link to community-specific flood hazards and protective measures.
These are then stored at the respective HVZ gauging stations under the heading Flood hazard information and can thus be made accessible to the general public.
Legal basis
- Erlass des Ministeriums für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg vom 24.09.1990
- Hochwassermeldeordnung (HMO)
- Satzung der LUBW vom 19.07.2013
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 28.11.2024