Pension insurance - Request pension information
You can enquire about the status of your insurance account at Deutsche Rentenversicherung at any time.
You will receive pension information about
- the most important personal data on your statutory pension and
- Your current pension entitlements. The outlook for your future pension (extrapolation) reveals possible gaps in your pension provision. This provides you with reliable planning data so that you can make additional private or company pension provision.
The first pension information also contains your insurance history. This is a list of all the data stored in your account. This information is important in order to be able to correct any gaps in your pension account by providing appropriate evidence.
Responsible department
- the German Pension Insurance Baden-Württemberg,
- the German Pension Insurance Knappschaft-Bahn-See or
- the German Federal Pension Insurance
You will receive annual pension information without having to apply for it yourself:
- if you are 27 years or older,
- if you have paid contributions into the statutory pension insurance scheme for at least five years.
Apply for pension information by telephone or in writing to your pension insurance provider or to one of the information and advice centres. An online application is also possible. To do this, you must enter your national insurance number.
If you are aged 55 or over, you will receive a pension statement every three years instead of pension information.
Required documents
Have your insurance number to hand. This applies to all ways of contacting the relevant office, whether in writing, by telephone or online. This will enable your claim handler to process your insurance matter more quickly.
For an online application you need:
- for the digital signature: a signature card or an ID card with an activated eID function
- a card reader and
- internet access.
Legal basis
Sozialgesetzbuch Sechstes Buch (SGB VI):
- § 109 Renteninformation und Rentenauskunft
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 10.10.2024