Apply for an electronic institution card (SMC-B) as an institution with employees in healthcare professions
The SMC-B (Security Module Card Type B) is an electronic institution card and electronic institution ID card in one. It enables people working in the healthcare professions in an institution to access the telematics infrastructure (TI). The TI networks all those involved in the healthcare system and thus enables access to the electronic patient file (ePA), for example, in the future.
There are different SMC-Bs for different professional groups. There is an SMC-B for
- Medical practices
- Nursing, obstetrics and physiotherapy facilities
- Pharmacies
You can use this online service to apply for an SMC-B for institutions with employees that are not organised in chambers. These are
- Healthcare, nursing and geriatric care facilities
- Obstetrics facilities
- Physiotherapy facilities
To obtain the SMC-B, you must first enter your institution in the electronic healthcare professions register (eGBR) for a fee. You then apply for the SMC-B from a trust service provider (VDA). VDAs charge an annual fee, which varies from provider to provider.
- They must be authorised to provide services.
- They must be authorised to represent the institution externally.
- The employee must have an eHBA.
- You must pay the administration fee.
You can apply for the SMC-B online as a nursing, obstetrics or physiotherapy facility:
- Go to the specialised portal of the electronic healthcare professions register (eGBR) and complete the online application
- Once your application has been received, it will be checked.
- An administrative fee is charged for the check.
- Once the check has been completed, you will receive an e-mail with the result of the check and your process number.
- You can use the transaction number to order an SMCB from a trust service provider (VDA) of your choice for a fee.
- The VDAs charge an annual fee, which varies from provider to provider
Period of validity: 5 years
Required documents
- completed application form
- Scan or photo of proof of your institution (e.g. power of attorney, articles of association)
- IK (institution identification code) number
- eHBA (electronic health professional card) number of a person belonging to the organisation
Administration fee: EUR 40.00
There is a fixed administration fee of EUR 40.00. The selected VDA also charges its own costs for the provision of the SMC-B.
Processing time
2 - 4 weeks
Legal basis
Sozialgesetzbuch Fünftes Buch (SGB V)
- § 340 Ausgabe von elektronischen Heilberufs- und Berufsausweisen sowie von Komponenten zur Authentifizierung von Leistungserbringerinstitutionen
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 25.03.2025