Apply for the construction of structural facilities (impact authorisation under nature conservation law)
If, for example, you want to erect or modify buildings or structures in the countryside (outdoor area), seal or pave areas or erect or modify fences, a building permit is often required. The term "outdoor area" refers to land and areas that are located outside of contiguous buildings and not within the scope of qualified development plans.
If this is a project for which no building permit is required (procedure-free projects in accordance with Section 50 of the State Building Code), a nature conservation permit may still be required. Whether authorisation is required depends on the location, type and size of the project. The nature conservation licence can be applied for here.
Responsible department
The lower administrative authorities are responsible.
The lower administrative authority is
- if you live in an urban district: the city administration
- if you live in a rural district: the district administration
Authorisation under nature conservation law may be required for the following projects in outdoor areas, for example:
- Mobile silo
- Fence, enclosure
- Buildings (without recreation rooms, toilets or fireplaces) with no more than 20 m³ of enclosed space
- Agricultural and forestry buildings with a floor area of less than 100m2
- Antenna
- Temporary construction
- Unpaved agricultural or forestry storage or parking areas up to 500m2 floor space
- Wind turbines up to 10 metres high
- Sealed/paved surfaces
If you are planning to erect building structures, you should contact the relevant authority in advance and apply for a permit if necessary. The information required for this will be automatically forwarded to the relevant authorities once it has been entered in the service portal.
It is advisable to contact the responsible authority as early as possible. It is conceivable that further questions or additional requirements may arise regarding your application, which may take additional time. You should contact your competent authority at least one month before the start of the project.
Required documents
The required documents and information are requested in the service portal. Which documents and information are required varies from case to case.
You should submit a simple application with a map section showing the location and a simple sketch plan. The lower nature conservation authority at the district office or municipal administration will check whether a nature conservation licence is required for the project and whether further documents may be required.
The costs depend on the application (What are you applying for? What is the cost to the authority?) and can vary from authority to authority.
Processing time
depending on the application
Legal basis
Bundesnaturschutzgesetz (BNatSchG):
- § 14 Abs. 1 Eingriffe in Natur und Landschaft
- § 17 Abs. 3 Verfahren; Ermächtigung zum Erlass von Rechtsverordnungen
Landesbauordnung für Baden-Württemberg (LBO):
- § 50 Verfahrensfreie Vorhaben
Release note
Machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 04.11.2024