Apply for a licence to handle and transport explosive substances commercially
Any responsible person handling explosive substances on behalf of a licence holder requires an official certificate of competence for handling and/or dealing with explosive substances. This includes, for example:
- Supervisors, especially managers of the relevant company departments
- Individuals authorised to carry out blasting
- Foremen
- Supervisory personnel qualified in explosive ordinance disposal,
- Warehouse managers and
- Individuals who transport explosive substances and deliver them to others as part of their transport role or accept them from the transport company.
Holders of a certificate of competence for the commercial handling and trading of substances with a risk of explosion can only be natural persons.
Responsible department
The local police authority
Local police headquarters depending on your place of residence:
- The city administration in large cities in the district or
- The district administration
- Reliability
- Specialist knowledge
- Personal suitability
- At least 21 years of age
- German citizenship or citizenship from another EU member state
The certificate of competence for the handling and/or trading of substances with a risk of explosion can be applied for.
Please fill in the following forms for this purpose and submit these to the responsible authority personally:
- “Application for the issuing of a certificate of competence in accordance with § 20 of the Law relating to Explosives”
- If applicable: Form “A”
Please provide the necessary proof of your specialist knowledge.
A certificate of competence is usually limited to five years. You must apply for an extension in good time.
Required documents
- Completed application forms
- valid passport or personal ID card
- Evidence of specialist knowledge
- as evidence of personal reliability:
- If residing in Germany:
- certificate of good conduct (Führungszeugnis)
- If residing abroad: documents from your country of residence that testify to your personal reliability.
The competent body may request additional documents in order to verify your personal reliability.
- The fee rates stipulated by your local authority or district office in the fee regulations for explosives legislation apply.
- For the Freiburg Regional Council, number of the schedule of fees of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment applies: EUR 70,00 - EUR 130,00
Legal basis
Sprengstoffgesetz (SprengG):
- § 20 Befähigungsschein
Verordnung des Umweltministeriums über die Festsetzung der Gebührensätze für öffentliche Leistungen der staatlichen Behörden in seinem Geschäftsbereich (Gebührenverordnung UM - GebVO UM)
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 06.02.2025