Women's shelters - apply for funding
In Baden-Württemberg, there are women's and children's shelters that offer women and their children temporary protection, accommodation and care if they are exposed to or threatened by domestic violence.
The women's and children's shelters are supported by the state of Baden-Württemberg by funding measures for prevention, crisis intervention and aftercare as well as investment to provide counselling, support and protection services. They should also be available by telephone at all times in the event of emergencies and be ready to accept victims.
Responsible department
The regional council in whose district the women's and children's refuge is located.
You run a women's and child protection centre.
- Log in with your service account at www.service-bw.de.
- Select what you would like funding for:
- Prevention, crisis intervention and aftercare measures or/and
- Investments at the women's and child protection centre
- Complete the online application form in full.
- For investments: Upload the required documents (see below) in step 4 of the application process.
- Submit the application online by 31 March.
- You will receive an automatically generated confirmation of submission.
- If all legal requirements for funding are met, you will receive the grant notification as well as forms for disbursement and proof of use. The grant notification will be sent electronically by e-mail or delivered to your service-bw mailbox.
- You can then apply for the funding request (payment of the funding amount) in full or in instalments by e-mail directly to the responsible regional council and receive the transfer.
- The proof of use must be signed and submitted by e-mail to the responsible regional council by 31 March of the following year.
Further information and advice can be obtained from the responsible regional council.
by 31 March of each year (funding applications: current year, proof of use: following year)
Required documents
For investment funding: List of planned expenditure with details and explanations of the individual planned measures (informal).
Further information and advice can be obtained from the responsible regional council:
Legal basis
VwV Frauen- und Kinderschutzhäuser vom 16. April 2024
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, 10.06.2024