Notification of the installation of a high-pressure gas pipeline
Anyone who constructs, significantly modifies or commissions installations that fall within the scope of the High-Pressure Gas Pipeline Ordinance must notify the competent authority.
Some of the notifications and certificates to be submitted to the authority include inspections and certificates from expert bodies or persons.
Responsible department
Freiburg Regional Council,
State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining,
Department 97, Technical Energy Supervision
The applicant must construct, commission or operate a high-pressure gas pipeline.
Anyone intending to construct or significantly modify a high-pressure gas pipeline/system must notify the competent authority of the project before the planned start of construction.
If the requirements of the High-Pressure Gas Pipeline Ordinance are not met, the competent authority may object to the project. It is not intended to issue a notice of non-objection.
The high-pressure gas pipeline/installation may not be put into operation until an expert has inspected the safety of the pipeline and issued a preliminary certificate.
Preliminary and final certificates in accordance with Section 6 (2) of the High-Pressure Gas Pipeline Ordinance must be submitted to the competent authority without delay.
The project must be notified and described at least eight weeks before the planned start of construction.
The competent authority may object to the project within a period of eight weeks if the specified quality of the high-pressure gas pipeline or high-pressure gas pipeline system does not meet the legal requirements. The period begins as soon as the complete documents and the expert opinion have been submitted to the competent authority. The deadline can be extended once by four weeks if this is absolutely necessary for the examination of the project.
Construction of the high-pressure gas pipeline may only commence after the deadline has expired or after receipt of notification that no objection has been raised. In the event of a timely complaint, work may not commence until the defect has been rectified. This does not apply to those parts of the gas holder systems that have not been objected to.
Copies of the preliminary certificates in accordance with Section 6 (1) of the High-Pressure Gas Pipeline Ordinance must be sent to the authority immediately, but no later than 14 days after commissioning of the high-pressure gas pipeline/system. The date of commissioning must also be communicated.
Final certificates in accordance with Section 6 (2) of the High-Pressure Gas Pipeline Ordinance must be submitted to the authority no later than 12 months after commissioning of the high-pressure gas pipeline/installation.
The deadlines listed do not apply to high-pressure gas pipelines under 1000 metres in length.
Required documents
- Exact designation of the construction project, designation of the constructor and the operator including their addresses.
- Information on the facilities associated with the construction project, on any facilities to be erected at a later date and on other relevant statuses.
- Planning documents General plan, scale 1: 25 000 (TK25)
- Data on the pipeline.
- Safety devices against excess pressure in accordance with Section 3 (4) GasHDrLtgV.
- Special safety features Reference to special safety-relevant features. In the event of deviations from the state of the art, documents must be enclosed showing how the same level of safety is guaranteed.
- Declaration by the installer and the operator that the system will be installed and operated in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance on High-Pressure Gas Pipelines.
- Declaration by the installer and the operator that the expert who will carry out the inspections in accordance with Section 6 (1) and (2) GasHDrLtgV will receive all the necessary information and documents in good time.
- Proof of the requirements for operation in accordance with Section 6(1)(2) GasHDrLtgV Information on operational monitoring and the organisation of the on-call service in accordance with Section 4(1)(2) and (3) GasHDrLtgV. Proof of a management system to ensure technical safety in accordance with Section 4 (3) GasHDrLtgV.
- Expert statement from the expert. Declaration by an expert that the specified quality of the system fulfils the requirements of §§ 2 and 3 of the Ordinance on High-Pressure Gas Pipelines.
No costs are incurred for the submission of notifications and certificates. If the documents submitted are objected to by the competent authority in accordance with Section 5 (2) GasHDrLtgV, a fee is charged in accordance with Section 14.18.3 of the Schedule of Fees for the Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment on the Determination of Fee Rates for Public Services of State Authorities in its Area of Responsibility of 23 September 2021 (Gbl. 2021, 869).
Processing time
There is no processing time as this is a notification procedure.
Please upload all documents in PDF format. The file names must be numbered in chronological order and, if necessary, filled with zeros according to the following scheme:
A0001 abbreviation to A9999 abbreviation
The short names should be concise and provide a brief description of the file content. The length of the file names must not exceed 59 characters.
Legal basis
Gashochdruckleitungsverordnung (GasHDrLtgV)
- § 5 Verfahren zur Prüfung von Leitungsvorhaben
- § 6 Inbetriebnahme und Untersagung des Betriebs
- § 8 Wesentliche Änderungen und Arbeiten an in Betrieb befindlichen Gashochdruckleitungen
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 19.12.2024