Applying for or renewing a licence to carry out fumigation with biocidal products or plant protection products
The employer must appoint a responsible person for each fumigation. This person must hold a certificate of competence (holder of a certificate of competence). The certificate of competence can be applied for from the competent authority.
This application can also be used to extend an existing certificate of competence.
Responsible department
The regional council responsible for the company's registered office.
To obtain a licence, you must:
- be at least 18 years old
- have suitable vocational training or a comparable professional qualification
- have the necessary reliability (to prove this, please apply for a certificate of good conduct according to document type O)
- be physically and mentally fit
- provide evidence of specific expertise associated with the activity by successfully completing an expertise course recognised by the competent authority
- have the language skills required for the safe exercise of the activity
After you have applied for a certificate of competence to carry out fumigation, the competent authority will check your application and request additional documents if necessary. You will receive a notice of recognition.
Before fumigation is carried out for the first time. An extension must be applied for in good time before the period of validity expires.
Required documents
The following documents are required to apply for a certificate of competence:
- Proof of suitable vocational training or comparable professional qualification
- Certificate from a doctor in accordance with Section 7 (1) of the Ordinance on Occupational Health Care (not older than one year)
- Proof of specific expertise associated with the activity (through successful participation in an expertise course recognised by the competent authority; proof of expertise for fumigation)
- proof of language skills, if applicable
100 to 1 500 € for the grant
100 to 750 € for the extension
The licence is issued for a maximum of six years. The period of validity can be extended by six years at a time if it is proven that
- the above-mentioned requirements are met and
- the holder of the licence has completed a training course before the expiry date.
The licence may be revoked if the necessary requirements are no longer met.
Legal basis
Verordnung zum Schutz vor Gefahrstoffen (Gefahrstoffverordnung – GefStoffV)
- 15d Absatz 4 Besondere Anforderungen bei Begasungen
- Anhang I, Nummer 4.5 Befähigungsschein
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 13.06.2024