Show keeping of specially protected species
If you keep vertebrates of specially protected species, you must notify the competent authority immediately. This also applies to a change in the of the animals, the relocation of the regular location and the labelling of the animals.
Species under special protection include, for example, monkeys, parrots, tortoises and giant snakes and various lizard species such as day geckos and chameleons. All European bird species are also included.
As a rule, an animal species is a specially protected species if it is included in the Wisia database of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (https://www.wisia.de/). You can search for the species there on the left-hand side under "Research" and "Enter search term (species name)". Invertebrates such as scorpions or spiders do not have to be reported. The vertebrates shown in the following list also do not have to be reported: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bartschv_2005/anlage_5.html
In the event of changes to your stock, you must register new animals (e.g. including your own offspring) and deregister animals that are no longer in your stock (e.g. due to sale or death). If you give an animal to another person, you must deregister the animal and the new owner must register the animal.
You must also register if the identification of your animal changes (e.g. ring identification, transponder identification) or if you change the location of the animal (e.g. move to another city).
Responsible department
The regional council in whose administrative district the animal is responsible.
You keep vertebrates that belong to the specially protected species.
There are two ways to notify the competent authority of the keeping, population changes, relocation of the regular location and labelling of specimens of specially protected species:
- You can send the various notifications online using the specialised procedure "MelBA-online".
In MelBA-online, you can permanently view the population of live animals that you have reported via MelBA-online. You also have the option of applying for the other services marketing authorisation, certificate of presentation and transport permit. The system supports you in entering the data and, if available, uses information you have already entered about the animal.
The system automatically sends your notification to the authority responsible for you. You will also receive feedback on your report via the system.
To do this, register with MelBA-online and then log in: MelBA-online is an independent specialised procedure outside the Baden-Württemberg service portal.
- On the website of the regional councils, you can download the notification form from the regional council responsible for you, fill it in and send it to the regional council.
You are obliged to reportkeeping as well as changes to the keeping reported immediately.
you do not report in good time, not correctly, not completely or not at all, this constitutes an administrative offence which may result in a fine.
Required documents
When registering,youmust various information and documents relating to the animal (e.g. animal species, date of birth, date of purchase, previous owner, parent animals, licence plate number, breeder's certificate).
Processing time
Depending on the application
You whether the animal has proof of legality (e.g. proof of origin, EU marketing certificate, breeder's certificate) before purchasing species-protected animals. Animals with invalid, incorrect, incomplete or missing proof of legality may neither be offered nor purchased.
If you cannot clearly prove that your animal comes from a legal origin, it is possible that your animal will be confiscated and confiscated. You, from whom the animal was confiscated,must bear the costs of rehoming.
Detailed information
You can find more detailed information under "Downloads" on the website of the regional councils: Trade and possession of protected species -Regierungspräsidien Baden-Württemberg (baden-wuerttemberg.de)
Legal basis
Bundesartenschutzverordnung (BArtSchV)
- § 7 Haltung von Wirbeltieren
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg,24.06.2024