Hazardous waste - Carry out electronic proof of disposal procedure
The electronic proof of disposal procedure is intended to ensure the seamless monitoring of hazardous waste.
You must carry out the verification procedure fully electronically.
Notice: Transfer notes within the scope of collective disposal and the disposal of small quantities are exempt from the obligation to process electronically. Waste producers who do not generate more than two tonnes of hazardous waste per year (small quantities) are exempt from the obligation to keep records electronically. For these waste producers, only the obligation to keep transfer notes applies. There is generally no obligation to keep records for private households.
Note: Disposers of hazardous and non-hazardous waste as well as producers, holders, collectors and transporters of hazardous waste must also keep an electronic register for keeping records of disposal. This replaces the former record book.
For non-hazardous waste, this register can be kept electronically on a voluntary basis. There is no obligation to keep a register for private households.
Responsible department
for registration and sending the evidence to the authorities: Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH (SAA)
You are
- Producer,
- Owner,
- Carrier,
- Disposer or
- Trader and broker
of hazardous waste.
Hazardous waste is, for example, waste that by its nature, composition or quantity
- poses a risk to human health or to the environment, or
- which is flammable or explosive.
Collective disposal without proof of disposal
Waste producers can have hazardous waste collected by a waste collector within the scope of collective disposal if they do not generate more than two tonnes of hazardous waste per year in total, and receive a take-over certificate for this from the waste collector or the disposal company. This must be kept for three years. The waste producer must enter his waste producer number in the transfer note.
Tip: In the case of lead accumulators, the use of collective disposal is also permitted for waste quantities exceeding 20 tonnes per year.
Waste producers who exceed the quantities for collective disposal or do not wish to use collective disposal must prepare a waste disposal certificate before starting disposal. So-called exempted disposers can issue certificates of disposal in the privileged procedure. In other cases, the certificate of disposal must be confirmed by the authority.
You must keep the certificate of disposal electronically.
You can enter the data required in the certificate of disposal
- enter, sign and send it via the free web portal of the Länder (Länder-eANV) or
- You can use commercial software products for this purpose.
Tip: The Central Coordination Office of the Länder (ZKS) is not an authority, but a data server. You can reach the ZKS online at www.ZKS-Abfall.de. There you will also find the Länder eANV, which you can use to create, sign and send certificates.
Only when the certificate of disposal is available to the producer, the disposer and the authorities may the actual disposal begin.
Caution: Hazardous waste for disposal may furthermore only be disposed of if it has been assigned to the disposal company by the SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH (SAA).
A consignment note must be drawn up for each individual waste transport and passed on to the waste transporter and the disposer, who in turn informs the authorities. The consignment note must also be
- electronically,
- signed and
- sent electronically.
Tip: During transport, the carrier must carry a paper containing the information from the electronic consignment note. It is advisable to make a printout of the consignment note from the electronic system and give it to the carrier.
The disposer sends the consignment note data set signed by him back to the producer's mailbox. He proves the proper disposal of the waste batch. The data record is entered into an electronic register and must be kept there for three years.
for submission of the application for confirmation of the certificate of disposal: none
Disposal may only be started after confirmation of the proof of disposal by the competent authority.
Required documents
- Signature card for digital signature
- Card reader
- Internet access and
- a post box at the Central Coordination Office (ZKS) of the Länder
The fees result from the fee table of the SAA. There are no additional fees for registration and processing in electronic form.
On the website www.zks-abfall.de you will find further information, for example
- current news,
- a handbook on the electronic procedure and
- Contact details for questions.
Legal basis
Verordnung über die Nachweisführung bei der Entsorgung von Abfällen (NachwV):
- §§ 17-22 - Elektronische Nachweisführung
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 01.08.2024