Apply for a certificate for the acquisition of radiological protection expertise
Do you want to work as a medical physics expert or in the technical field of radiation protection (e.g. operating X-ray equipment or systems for generating ionising radiation or handling radioactive substances)? If so, you must prove that you have acquired the necessary expertise from the competent authority for radiation protection.
If you intend to work as a medical physics expert, operate X-ray equipment or equipment for generating ionising radiation or handle radioactive substances, you will need a certificate of competence from the competent authority for radiation protection as proof of the specialist knowledge you have acquired. The employer can also submit the application for a certificate of specialised knowledge in radiation protection for their employees.
If you have all the necessary evidence, you can apply to the competent authority for radiation protection for yourself or for your employee to obtain a certificate of qualification in radiation protection.
Responsible department
The regional council in whose district the
- the workplace is located or
- the place of residence of the person who is to be certified as an expert in radiation protection (in the event that this person applies independently of an employer).
The person who is to be certified as an expert in radiation protection,
- has appropriate training for the respective field of application,
- can demonstrate the necessary practical experience and
- has successfully participated in the courses to acquire the required expertise.
If you have all the necessary evidence for acquiring the specialist knowledge, you or your employer can apply to the competent authority for radiation protection for a certificate of acquisition of specialist knowledge in radiation protection:
- You can apply for the certificate of acquisition of radiological protection expertise electronically or in writing.
- It is also possible for the competent authority to approach you and ask you to submit proof of the required expertise.
- The authority will check the documents submitted and the requirements and, if the check is positive, will send you the certificate of the required expertise.
- Successful participation in the courses to acquire the required expertise must not date back more than 5 years in total.
- The specialist knowledge must be updated at least every 5 years by successfully participating in a recognised course or training course.
Required documents
- Proof of suitable training for the respective area of application
- Proof of practical experience (certificate of competence)
- Proof of successful participation in recognised courses
- Proof of the valid expertise of the person certifying the practical experience or the medical physics expert providing training
- Proof of at least three years' professional experience of the medical physics expert providing training (if applicable)
depending on the individual case between EUR 250 and EUR 1,500
On the joint homepage of the regional councils you will find the document for the written application for the certificate.
Legal basis
Strahlenschutzgesetz (StrlSchG):
- § 74 Absatz 1 Erforderliche Fachkunde und Kenntnisse im Strahlenschutz; Verordnungsermächtigung
Strahlenschutzverordnung (StrlSchV):
- § 47 Absatz 1 Erforderliche Fachkunde im Strahlenschutz
Fachkunde-Richtlinie Technik nach Strahlenschutzverordnung
Fachkunde-Richtlinie Technik nach Röntgenverordnung
Richtlinienmodul „Erforderliche Fachkunden im Strahlenschutz für Medizinphysik-Experten"
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 08.11.2024