Apply for funding for electrically powered commercial vehicles
If you are planning to purchase, lease or rent a new electric commercial vehicle with an electric or fuel cell drive or a self-propelled work machine in Baden-Württemberg, you can apply for state funding for maintenance and operating costs. You can also apply for funding for the costs of maintaining and operating converted new and used vehicles.
- You will receive a grant in the form of a fixed-amount subsidy, which is calculated according to the EC vehicle category and depends on whether the recipient has already benefited from a federal subsidy.
- If the subsidised vehicle is assigned to EC vehicle class N1, the subsidy amounts to €4,000. If you as the funding recipient have already benefited from federal funding, you can receive a grant of €2,000.
- If the subsidised vehicle is assigned to EC vehicle class N2, the subsidy amounts to €30,000. If you have already benefited from the federal subsidy, you can receive a subsidy of €20,000.
- If the subsidised vehicle is assigned to EC vehicle class N3, the subsidy amounts to €60,000. If you have already benefited from the federal subsidy, you can receive a subsidy of €50,000.
- The self-propelled work machines are assigned to the EC vehicle classes according to weight class categorisation.
Responsible department
Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg
- You are planning to buy, lease or rent a new electric commercial vehicle with an electric or fuel cell drive or a self-propelled work machine.
- Or you intend to convert a new or used vehicle.
- These are vehicles of EC vehicle classes N1, N2 and N3 with a maximum of 3 seats or self-propelled work machines without EC classes.
- The vehicles must be registered to the applicant in Baden-Württemberg for at least three years or, in the case of leasing or rental, for the entire leasing/rental period (maximum three years) and must be predominantly in operation there.
- You can receive the BW e-commercial vehicle subsidy for a maximum of 50 vehicles.
- You are a sole proprietorship, a sole trader, a freelancer, a civil law partnership, a limited partnership, a general partnership, a public limited company, a partnership company, a registered association, a co-operative, a limited liability company (also Co. KG), a public corporation, a public institution, a foundation under public law or an entrepreneurial company with its registered office or permanent establishment in Baden-Württemberg.
- You are a small or medium-sized enterprise according to the EU definition of an SME. A small and medium-sized enterprise according to the EU definition has fewer than 250 employees and an annual turnover of no more than 50 million euros (or a balance sheet total of no more than 43 million euros). The SME criterion does not apply to municipal companies.
- You purchase, lease/rent or convert a new electric commercial vehicle of EC vehicle categories N1, N2 and N3 or a self-propelled work machine.
- Your vehicle has a maximum of three seats.
- If your vehicle is categorised in vehicle classes N2 and N3, a right-turn assistant is a prerequisite for the grant.
- You register the electric vehicle in Baden-Württemberg and drive it there for at least three years or, in the case of leasing or rental, for the entire leasing/rental period (maximum 3 years).
- You have not concluded the contract for the e-vehicle before submitting the application (date of e-mail receipt).
Please note that an application must be submitted before the start of the project in order for the project to be funded. A project is deemed to have started as soon as the first legally binding obligations have been entered into, in particular on the basis of corresponding supply or service contracts. Starting a project after receipt of the application but before L-Bank has approved it is at your own risk.
The funding programme runs until the end of 2024 at the latest and is approved within the framework of the available budget funds.
Required documents
- fully completed and signed application BW-e-Nutzfahrzeuge | L-Bank
- fully completed de minimis declaration
Further information is available on the L-Bank website website. There you can the funding application directly online.
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg 27.08.2024