Display proof of disposal for privileged procedure
As a company that generates hazardous waste, you and the companies involved in its disposal must provide evidence of proper disposal and keep the necessary verification documents, both to each other and to the competent authorities.
As a waste-generating company, you must provide proof of disposal even before the start of disposal in order to demonstrate the permissibility of the planned type of disposal.
The competent authority must confirm the permissibility of the disposal before the disposal begins.
The obligation to confirm the proof of disposal does not apply in the so-called privileged procedure. This applies to the following companies:
- disposal facilities that are certified as specialised waste management companies or
- Disposal facilities that belong to a company entered in the EMAS register or
- Waste management facilities that have been exempted from the confirmation obligation by the competent authority upon request.
In the privileged procedure, disposal can begin immediately after the proof of disposal has been sent to the competent authority.
Responsible department
- You need software with which the verification documents can be created, processed and signed in electronic form and exchanged with other companies and the authorities. A personal signature card and a card reader are also required for the qualified signature of the forms.
- The waste authorisation numbers of the waste-generating or waste-disposing company must be entered in the verification forms. If these have not yet been issued, they must be applied for from the competent authority before the verification forms are created.
- The waste disposal company must fulfil one of the required conditions:
- Specialised waste management company
- EMAS certification
- Exemption by the authority
- As a waste-generating company, you create
- the cover sheet,
- the responsible declaration
- including the declaration analysis, if applicable
and send these with a signature to the disposal centre.
- There, the documents are completed and also signed.
- The disposing company sends the complete proof of disposal to the authority responsible for the disposal facility and to the waste-generating company before disposal begins.
before the start of the planned disposal
Required documents
in electronic form:
- Cover sheet (DEN)
- Responsible declaration (VE) of the waste-generating company
- including declaration analysis (DA), if applicable
- Acceptance declaration (AE) of the company disposing of the waste
Note: In the case of electronic verification in accordance with Sections 17 to 22 NachwV, the fee is charged in accordance with Section 19 (3) NachwV, irrespective of the deviating communication channels caused by electronic communication.
Processing time
1 to 4 weeks
In Baden-Württemberg, hazardous waste for disposal must be disposed of. This regulation ensures that the capacities of the Billigheim hazardous waste landfill are utilised by waste producers and owners from Baden-Württemberg. This landfill is provided by the state for the disposal of hazardous waste.
However, they are not subject to the obligation to deliver:
- Small producers with no more than 2,000 kg of hazardous waste in total per year
- Producers who hand over their waste to the collector as part of a collective disposal programme
In both cases, the disposer or collector must be subject to the obligation to deliver.
- Waste producers who dispose of waste in their own facilities in Baden-Württemberg that were already in operation on 1 January 1996.
You can find your personal contacts at SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH by district under the following linkon the following page: Contact person with extension - SAA
Legal basis
Verordnung über die Nachweisführung bei der Entsorgung von Abfällen (NachwV):
- § 3 Entsorgungsnachweis
- § 7 Freistellung und Privilegierung
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 14.10.2024