Apply for funding for regional bus routes
The Ministry of Transport subsidises the establishment of regional bus routes.
Funding is provided for transport services in the operation of road-based local public transport (ÖPNV) lines with motor vehicles (within the meaning of the PBefG and BO Kraft) that supplement local rail passenger transport (SPNV):
- to connect medium-sized centres, sub-centres, commercial airports, tourist destinations of national importance and national parks without a current regular connection to regional rail passenger transport, usually to a neighbouring medium-sized/major centre or, if closer, to another suitable access point of regional rail passenger transport or
- to close spatial gaps in the regional rail network between regional centres, medium-sized centres and airports.
Responsible department
The Ministry of Transport is the examination, decision-making and authorisation authority.
Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg
Dorotheenstraße 8
70173 Stuttgart
Telephone: 0711 89686-9010
Fax: 0711 89686-9020
E-mail: bwregiobus@vm.bwl.de
To achieve the funding purpose, existing lines and new road-based public transport lines must fulfil the following requirements as regional bus lines:
- demonstrable expected deficit of the planned regional bus line
- fast connection function between regional centres, medium-sized centres, sub-centres and airports as well as tourist destinations of national importance
- adequate access to the high-demand locations in between, provided that the connecting function is not significantly impaired as a result.
- regional network effect
- supply-orientated timetable design, generally every one hour
- Operating times in line with the state's 2025 regional rail transport target concept for regional rail transport on all days of the week
- standardised routes/routing on all days of the week
- passenger-friendly transfer times from/to regional rail transport in the sense of an integrated synchronised timetable
- systematic connection security
- Minimum requirements with regard to the vehicles used
- Integration into the Baden-Württemberg tariff or the Deutschlandticket analogue to SPNV lines
Application and authorisation
Applicants and funding recipients are
- the municipal public transport authorities pursuant to § 6 ÖPNVG and
- municipal associations that assume the function of public transport authorities.
Applications for funding must be submitted to the Ministry of Transport between 1 February and 31 May of the current year. Applications can be submitted up to 23 months before a possible start of operations.
If the application is assessed favourably, the Ministry of Transport usually grants funding in the year in which the application is submitted.
Payment of the grant
The responsible body pays out the funding in annual instalments.
Advance payments amounting to 90 per cent of the fixed annual grant amount are granted.
Final statement
At the end of the funding period, the funding recipient prepares a final statement of account for the line.
The final statement consists, among other things, of a confirmation of the kilometres travelled on the Regiobus line and evidence of the expenses incurred for marketing activities. On this basis, the funding provider issues a final notification.
Application deadline: 1 February to 31 May of each year.
Required documents
The funding application is submitted using the application form provided.
Further application documents must be attached to this form.
A detailed list of the documents that must be submitted can be found in the technical guidelines for the "Regiobuslinie" funding programme.
No costs are charged for processing the applications.
Processing time
As a rule, 4 - 5 months after the application deadline on 31 May of each year.
Legal basis
- Landeshaushaltsordnung (LHO)
- Förderprogramm "Regiobuslinien"
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg, 07.06.2024