Inspection body in waste management - Apply for recognition
Testing laboratories and measuring bodies that wish to carry out analyses of waste and soil samples on the basis of individual legal ordinances require recognition as an analysis centre in the waste management sector in these areas.
Recognition is required for analyses in accordance with the following legislationsordinances:
- Sewage Sludge Ordinance (AbfKlärV)
- Biowaste Ordinance (BioAbfV)
- Waste Wood Ordinance (AltholzV)
You can obtain recognition for individual areas or for all areas.
Responsible department
Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg (LUBW)
Referat 61
Griesbachstr. 1-3
Recognition centre for investigation bodies
76185 Karlsruhe
Note: The LUBW is responsible for investigation centres that have their registered office in Baden-Württemberg or investigation centres that wish to operate primarily in Baden-Württemberg.
Investigation centres based in other federal states should contact the office responsible there.
Certain personnel, organisational and equipment requirements must be met for recognition as an examination centre.
Personnel requirements
- The management of the examination centre must
- be professionally qualified and have at least threeiyears of professional experience in chemical analysisyin chemical analysis.
A university degree in chemistry, food chemistry or food analytics counts as a professional qualificationechemistry or comparable disciplines (e.g. Physics, biology, geology). - have a sufficiently qualified deputy.
The laboratory manager or their deputy must work full-time.
- be professionally qualified and have at least threeiyears of professional experience in chemical analysisyin chemical analysis.
- The other staff must be sufficiently qualified (e.g. chemical engineers, chemists, chemists, chemists, etc.)echemical laboratory technicians or similar)hcomparable training).
The number of employees depends on the area of responsibility. However, there should be at least three full-time employees.
Organisational requirements
- The testing centre must maintain a quality management manual in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. It must provide proof of competence and declare its independence.
- The personnel must fulfil their tasks and duties, in particularnparticularly with regard to quality assurance.
- One or more persons must be responsible for carrying out and monitoring the quality assurance measures.
- The inspection body must keep written records of its organisation and responsibilities and must be able tonup to date. The staff must have access to the documents at all times.
- As a rule, the inspection body carries out the sampling. In exceptional cases, other testing centres or external samplers may be commissioned.
Equipment requirements
- The testing centre must have a general laboratoryoequipment.
- The technical equipment must ensure that the tests can be carried out properly and that the necessary tests can be performediand the necessary quality assurance measures.
- The equipment must be regularly maintained and cacalibration. Records of the maintenance and calibriethe inspection body must keep records of maintenance and calibration for at least three years.
- The waste and waste water produced must be disposed of by the inspection bodyuthe examination centre must properly dispose of the waste and waste water and clean the exhaust air.
Tip: For detailed information and descriptions of theoou can find detailed information and descriptions of the requirements and duties of the inspection bodies under "Recognition of inspection bodies in waste management" on the LUBW website.
You must apply to the competent authority for recognition as an examination centre.
You can request the application forms there informally or download them from the Internet or from this page ("Forms and other services" section).
The competent body will check the application documents and, if all the requirements are met, will issue a decision granting recognition.
You must submit any missing or incomplete documents no later than three months after submitting your application.
Required documents
- for proof of the personal reliability of the laboratory management:
- if resident in Germany: certificate of good conduct
- if you live abroad: documents from your home country that prove your personal reliability.
- Curriculum vitae with details of the professional background of the head of the examination centre
- Proof of sufficient liability insurance for personal injury, property damage and financial loss
- Declaration of commitment and consent (form provided by the competent body on the Internet)
- Proof of competence that the requirements for recognition have been met by submitting a valid, complete and applicable accreditation in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17025 for the areas of testing applied for, taking into account the requirements of the waste module.
Note: Have you already been recognised as an inspection body for wastewater or soil/contaminated site investigations in Baden-Württemberg?
If the LUBW has current documentation of this accreditation, you do not need to submit any further documents.
The costs depend on the amount of work involved. The following fee range applies:
Determination without competence assessment by the LUBW: EUR 100.00 - 1,500.00
Laboratories that have been recognised must regularly participate in quality assurance measures (proficiency tests).
The LUBW announces the interlaboratory tests requiring participation at the beginning of each year.
Recognition is generally valid for five years. However, the competent body can revoke it at any time.
For laboratories that prove their competence by means of an accreditation, the recognition is valid until the expiry of the accreditation.
Applications for extension of recognition can be submitted at the earliest six months and must be submitted at the latest three months before the expiry of the recognition period.
Legal basis
Verwaltungsvereinbarung der Länder über den Kompetenznachweis und die Notifizierung von Prüflaboratorien und Messstellen im gesetzlich geregelten Umweltbereich (Bekanntmachung der Vereinbarung vom 30. Oktober 2002 im Bundesanzeiger Nr. 220, Seite 25 450)
Klärschlammverordnung (AbfKlärV)
Bioabfallverordnung (BioAbfV)
Altholzverordnung (AltholzV)
Landes-Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz (LKreiWiG)
- § 25 Landesanstalt für Umwelt
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 01.08.2024