Driving licence - applying for accompanied driving from the age of 17
Whoever would like to get their driving licence class B and BE (cars) before they reach the age of 18, can take part in the "Accompanied driving from the age of 17" program. Youths receive permission to drive a vehicle if they are accompanied by at least one explicitly named person (accompanying person), who meets the necessary requirements.
The accompanying person should be available as a contact person before starting to drive and while driving, to give the youth confidence when driving and to give him/her advice and brief information.
Responsible department
- if you live in an urban district (Stadtkreis): the city council (Stadtverwaltung)
- if you live in a rural district (Landkreis): the rural district office (Landratsamt)
The applicant
- has to be at least 16.5 years old in order to be able to apply for a driving license with the obligation that he/she is to be accompanied and has to have the agreement of the legal representatives - i.e. normally the parents,
- may only drive together with an accompanying person registered in the test certificate until he/she has reached the age of 18.
The accompanying person
- has to be explicitly named,
- has to have reached the age of 30,
- has to have been in possession of a valid driving license class B (car) for at least five years,
- no more than one point may be on record in the driver suitability register at the time the test certificate is issued.
Note: The 0.5 per mille rule, the THC limit of 3.5 ng/ml THC in the blood serum and the ban on intoxicating substances apply to the accompanying person.
If you want to take part in the "Accompanied Driving from the Age of 17" program, then complete the application to be issued with a driving license class B or BE directly at your relevant authority.
In addition, the "Antrag auf Teilnahme am Begleiteten Fahren ab 17" (Application to take part in the Accompanied Driving from the Age of 17 program) and also for the accompanying person an "Anlage zum Antrag auf Teilnahme Begleitetes Fahren ab 17" (Annex to the application to take part in the Accompanied Driving from the Age of 17 program) has to be completed.
To prove your entitlement to drive, you will receive a test certificate which is only valid in Germany.
After reaching the age of 18, you will be issued with a normal driving license card in exchange for the test certificate.
The theoretical exam may be taken at the earliest three months before your 17th birthday, the practical exam at the earliest one month before your 17th birthday.
Required documents
The applicant has to present the following documents:
- an ID card or passport with a valid certificate of registration (Meldebestätigung)
- a photograph, which complies with the provisions of the passport law (Passverordnung)
- Eyesight test certificate (not more than two years old)
- Proof of having received instructions for immediate lifesaving measures
In addition, the "Anlage zum Antrag auf Teilnahme am Begleitetes Fahren ab 17" (annex for the application to take part in the Accompanied Driving from the age of 17 program) has to be presented for each accompanying person with the following documents:
- personal details and signature
- copy of the identity card
- proof that you are in possession of a driving licence, if necessary, copy of the driving license
In comparison to the "normal" driving license, the following additional charges are incurred:
- to issue the test certificate 7.70 euros
- to check an accompanying person: between 1.50 euro and 10 euros
- to get information about an accompanying person in the Driver suitability register: 3.30 euros each
Detailed information
Once you have passed your driving test, you may drive category B vehicles until your 18th birthday if you are accompanied by one of the previously named and approved persons when driving the vehicle. For accompanied driving at 17, you will receive a test certificate in which the accompanying persons are entered. The test certificate is only valid within Germany. If you drive a vehicle before your 18th birthday without the required accompanying person, your driving license will be revoked. In addition, you will be fined, one point will be entered in the driving aptitude register, the probationary period will be extended and an advanced training seminar will be ordered.
From the 18th birthday, category B vehicles may be driven without an accompanying person. On your 18th birthday, the test certificate will be replaced by the card driving license. The exchange usually takes place at the driving license office.
Legal basis
Straßenverkehrsgesetz (StVG):
- 6e Führen von Kraftfahrzeugen in Begleitung
Verordnung über die Zulassung von Personen zum Straßenverkehr (FeV):
- § 48a Voraussetzungen
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg, 08.11.2024