Apply for a licence for the non-commercial purchase and handling of explosive substances
If you, as a private individual, wish to handle explosive substances that require a licence in the non-commercial sector, you require a permit in accordance with the Explosives Act (SprengG). You apply for this from the responsible authority.
Activities in connection with explosive substances harbour a high risk potential. The aim of the Explosives Act is to protect people and property from these dangers. In order to prevent accidents and misuse, the Explosives Act places high demands on the suitability, reliability and expertise of persons who wish to handle explosive substances.
To handle the following explosive substances, you require a licence in accordance with Section 27 Act (SprengG ). This is also known colloquially as a powder licence, firecracker licence or fireworks licence:
- Black powder and other propellant powders for muzzle loading
- Firecracker powder for firing firecrackers
- Nitrocellulose powder or other propellant powders for reloading cartridge cases
- Rocket motors of category P2 in model rocket construction
- Fireworks of category F3 and F4 for private purposes
- Use of other pyrotechnic articles of category P2
The official licence ensures that only those persons who meet the requirements for safe handling have access to explosive substances.
Responsible department
The district police authority responsible for your place of residence
- in urban districts, large district towns and, in administrative communitiesdeclared lower administrative authorities: the municipal administration
- otherwise the district office
In order to obtain a licence to handle explosive substances, you must meet the following requirements:
- You must be reliable. The required reliability is normally given if you have previously behaved in accordance with the law and have no criminal record.
- You must be personally suitable. You are personally suitable if you have no restrictions, for example in your mental or physical health or due to drug or alcohol addiction.
- You must be at least 21 years old. The competent authority may authorise exceptions to the age requirement. To do so, you must demonstrate the necessary level-headedness. You should also be able to secure the explosive substances against unauthorised access, including by relatives in your own household. Essentially, only the following can be considered
- Holders of a hunting licence
- Members of shooting sports associations
- Associations in which the members assemble or process components of pyrotechnic objects (e.g. model rockets)
- They must have specialised knowledge for handling
- Explosives such as black powder or nitrocellulose powder
- pyrotechnic articles of category F4 and for the pyrotechnic articles of category F2 explicitly listed in Section 20 (4) of the First Ordinance to the Explosives Act (1. SprengV) . Proof of specialised knowledge is not required for the storage, use, destruction, acquisition or transfer of category 3 pyrotechnic articles.
- You must be able to prove a need. The proof is specific to the target group for example, hunters must present their hunting licence, sport and firecracker shooters must present a certificate of membership and participation in shooting and traditional shooting associations.proof of need does not apply to permits to handle fireworks or other pyrotechnic objects such as rocket motors).
- You must have suitable storage facilities.
- You must be a German national or a national of another EU member state.
Only natural persons may hold a licence to handle explosive substances in the non-commercial sector.
After you have applied for a licence for the non-commercial purchase and handling of explosive substances, the competent authority will review your application and request additional documents if necessary. Depending on the services offered by the competent authority, you may be provided with a form or an online process. You may also have to visit the competent authority in person.
The application must be submitted before the acquisition and handling of explosive substances. You may only acquire and handle the explosive substances specified in the licence after it has been issued. An extension of an existing licence must be applied for in good time before the expiry date.
Required documents
The following information and supporting documents are required to apply for a licence:
- Details of the applicant, identity card
- Information on the storage of the explosive substances
- Details of the intended activity
- Proof of specialised knowledge: Proof of successful completion of a specialised training course for the planned activity
- Proof of need: hunting licence or gun ownership card (for reloaders) or membership certificate of the association for firearm and muzzle loader shooters or model rocket builders
- for the verification of the good repute of persons from another EU Member State: submission of a certificate in the form of a certified translation from the competent judicial or administrative authority of the home country or country of origin regarding certain facts that are relevant for the assessment of good repute. For example, an extract from the criminal record. The certificate should not be older than three months. Otherwise, only those facts that have been confirmed by the competent authority of the home country or country of origin may be regarded as proven.
The fee rates stipulated by the relevant competent authority in the statutes on fees under the Explosives Act apply.
The licence is generally granted for a period of five years. It may be restricted in terms of content and location and may be subject to conditions if this is necessary to prevent danger to life, health or property or significant disadvantages or considerable nuisance to third parties. The subsequent addition, amendment and supplementation of conditions is permitted.
You do not require a permit for handling fireworks for theatre and stage of category T1, pyrotechnic articles of category P1 and fireworks of category F1. Observe the manufacturer's instructions for use when handling without a licence.
The supply of category F2 fireworks ("New Year's Eve fireworks") to consumers (without a licence) is restricted to the last three working days of the year. Use by consumers (without a permit) is only permitted on 31 December and 1 January of each year.
Legal basis
Gesetz über explosionsgefährliche Stoffe (Sprengstoffgesetz - SprengG):
- § 27 Erlaubnis zum Erwerb und zum Umgang
Erste Verordnung zum Sprengstoffgesetz (1. SprengV):
- § 20 Absatz 4
Release note
Machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 24.02.2025