Benefits from German Pension Insurance - Transitional allowance
You can apply for a transitional allowance while you are receiving a prevention benefit, medical rehabilitation benefit, benefit for participation in working life, aftercare benefit and other benefits for participation.
The transitional allowance has a so-called compensation function and is intended to provide you with financial security for the duration of the rehabilitation programme.
You are only entitled to a transitional allowance if the insurance requirements of § 11 SGB VI are met.
Responsible department
German Pension Insurance
Determining the calculation basis and requirements for entitlement to transitional allowance
Transitional allowance is a payment in lieu of remuneration and is paid to cover living expenses during a rehabilitation programme.
Insured persons who receive from the statutory pension insurance:
- a benefit for participation in working life (occupational rehabilitation),
- a benefit for medical rehabilitation,
- a benefit for prevention or
- another benefit for participation
and do not receive continued remuneration from their employer may be entitled to a transitional allowance. This is the case if you were earning wages immediately before the start of the programme and have paid pension insurance contributions. The transitional allowance is then calculated on this basis.
If you are self-employed, you must have earned income from work immediately before the start of the programme. In addition, pension insurance contributions must have been paid in the calendar year prior to the start of the programme. The transitional allowance is calculated on the basis of these contributions.
If there is an entitlement to continued payment of remuneration, this must be utilised.
If unemployment benefit, sickness benefit or injury benefit was received immediately before the start of the programme, an entitlement may arise if pension insurance contributions have been paid from the remuneration/income on which the benefit is based. The transitional allowance is then calculated on the basis of the social benefits received.
Special conditions apply if you receive unemployment benefit II. Please seek advice from Deutsche Rentenversicherung.
Amount of the transitional allowance
The transitional allowance is calculated on the basis of:
- 68 per cent or
- 75 per cent if there is a child/stepchild who is entitled to child benefit or if the insured person is being cared for by a spouse or partner and is therefore unable to work,
is granted.
If unemployment benefit I is received, transitional allowance can be granted in the amount of this benefit.
Social insurance contributions from transitional allowance payments are paid in full by the pension insurance fund; only if there is no proof of parental status is the supplementary contribution for social care insurance deducted from the transitional allowance.
If proof of parental status is provided within three months of the transitional allowance notice being issued, the transitional allowance will be recalculated retroactively, otherwise the recalculation can only take place after the month in which proof of parental status is provided.
Gradual reintegration
If you have received medical rehabilitation benefits from the statutory pension insurance scheme, it is possible, under certain conditions, to gradually reintegrate into your previous job. Working hours are gradually increased until full capacity is regained.
If you were previously entitled to transitional allowance, you are generally also entitled to it during the gradual reintegration.
Duration of the transitional allowance payment
The transitional allowance is paid during participation in the programme. Under certain conditions, it is also paid between two measures (interim transitional allowance) or following a benefit for participation in working life (follow-up transitional allowance with lower percentages) for a maximum of three months.
In the case of benefits for participation in working life, the transitional allowance can continue to be paid for a maximum of 42 days in the event of an interruption due to illness if the benefit can probably be continued.
Special feature for participation in a benefit for participation in working life
In special cases, the calculation basis for the transitional allowance for benefits for participation in working life is determined on the basis of a fictitious salary if an orientation towards the actual income situation of the insured person before the start of the benefit would lead to an inappropriate amount of the transitional allowance. An information sheet on this can be found in the application documents.
The application forms for calculating the transitional allowance are enclosed with the notification of authorisation of the benefit for participation. The pension insurance calculates the amount of the transitional allowance to which you are entitled and transfers it to the bank details you have provided.
If there is no proof of parental status, the supplementary contribution to social long-term care insurance must also be paid from the transitional allowance. If proof of parental status is provided within three months of the transitional allowance being granted, the transitional allowance will be recalculated retrospectively from the start date, taking parental status into account. If the proof is provided at a later date, the parental status will be taken into account from the beginning of the month following the month in which the proof of parental status was provided.
Required documents
The application documents will be sent to you by your pension insurance provider with the notice of approval of the benefit for participation. If further documents are required, these will be requested by the pension insurance fund.
Processing time
As soon as you have submitted all the necessary documents, the transitional allowance will be calculated.
Legal basis
Sozialgesetzbuch Sechstes Buch (SGB VI):
- § 20 Anspruch
- § 21 Höhe und Berechnung
Sozialgesetzbuch Neuntes Buch (SGB IX):
- § 64 Ergänzende Leistungen
- § 65 Leistungen zum Lebensunterhalt
- § 66 Höhe und Berechnung des Übergangsgelds
- § 67 Berechnung des Regelentgelts
- § 68 Berechnungsgrundlage in Sonderfällen
- § 69 Kontinuität der Bemessungsgrundlage
- § 70 Anpassung der Entgeltersatzleistungen
- § 71 Weiterzahlung der Leistungen
- § 72 Einkommensanrechnung
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 14.11.2024