Gerlingen - A Town with many Friends
Gerlingen is a town. Gerlingen is also a village. But how can it be both? Shortly before the turn of the century, Gerlingen celebrated its 1200th anniversary. In 1958 the village was designated a town. Today more than 19,000 residents enjoy living in a town that is both modern and welcoming to other cultures. In this town, nestling beneath the Schillerhöhe, you will also find the charm of an earlier wine-growing village and the tranquility of forest and vineyard.
Gerlingen is situated on the edge of Stuttgart, the capital city of Baden-Württemberg. Those who live in Gerlingen can enjoy all the advantages of a modern and attractive town which has many friends all over the world. Our visitors can feel the welcoming atmosphere in the town. Whether big or small, wherever you go, neighbours are known by sight as well as by name. The feeling of belonging and being at home, being among kindred spirits, is deeply rooted in this town.
Take a Walk in the Country – Enjoy Nature
Gerlingen is by far the most densely wooded area in the district of Ludwigsburg. Whether you walk or cycle, you can enjoy the different species of trees in the leafy woods with their solitary glades, the meadows with their orchards and the vineyards. The low hills of the Strohgäu farmers, their fields and narrow valleys with tiny streams are a delight for longer bike rides.
Many walkers are especially fond of the paths around the Bärensee (the Bears’ Lake). And don’t forget to visit Schloss Solitude. Enjoy the fascination of being able to walk in the Gerlinger Heide – the last remaining area of heathland in the region. And say goodbye to the stresses and strain of the big city.
Setting an Example for a Modern Europe
European politics are made in Strasbourg and in Brussels. Gerlingen is a town where you can see the vision for a united Europe at work. The town agreed to accept responsibility for the Hungarian Germans after WW2 which was a ‘herculean task’ for this small Swabian community. Gerlingen has been twinned with towns in three different countries for many years: Vesoul (France), Tata (Hungary) and Seaham (England) as well as taking on the patronage of those Germans born in the eastern areas of the former Reich.
In addition, Gerlingen has close contacts to Gefell, a community in Thüringen. In 1999 Gerlingen was awarded the European Plaque of Honour for its outstanding contribution to European integration.
Yesterday we were growing together – today in Gerlingen we are living together.